

A Scalable Framework for Rich Video Web Application System
摘要 针对一类有少量Web业务处理需求,同时又有大量视频访问的Web系统,我们提出一种基于用Nginx处理视频访问,而传统的Web服务器处理少量业务需求的Web应用系统框架.在这种框架下,除分别部署Web服务器和nginx流媒体服务器外,还有另外两个系统组件,一个是视频发送程序,居于Web服务器端,将上传到Web服务器的视频在系统不忙时传送到Nginx流媒体服务器,并接收对方回传的视频截图;另一个是视频接收程序,居于Nginx服务器端,接收上传的视频文件,并经可能的转码后保存到Nginx流媒体服务器的流媒体保存目录下,并自动抓取视频截图,将截图返回给Web服务器端.测试结果证明:这种架构对富视频类Web系统具有很好的可扩展性,同时具有功能和位置的透明性. With the special Web application system, which has small Web business processing requirement, but has too many video access,a scalable framework was proposed,in which the video access was provided by Nginx,and the few business requirement was processed by Web server. On this kind framework,in addition Web server and Nginx streaming server, there were other two system components. One was the video sending program, residing at the Web server side,which sent the uploaded video files to the Nginx streaming server at the leisure of the machine,and received the sent back video's screenshot;the other was the video receiving program,residing at the Nginx server side,which received the uploading video by the sending video program, and saved it to the video saving directory of the Nginx through possible converting video codings,and automatically grabed the video screenshot and sent back it. The test result show that this framework has good scalability for rich video class Web system,and functional and location transparency.
出处 《怀化学院学报》 2017年第11期77-81,共5页 Journal of Huaihua University
基金 湖南省科技计划项目(2014KP0083)
关键词 富视频类Web应用系统 流媒体服务器 WEB服务器 线程池 视频编码转换 rich video class Web system stream media server Web server thread pool video coding converting
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