
苦皮藤植物组织培养研究现状与前景展望 被引量:2

Celastrus angulatus plant tissue culture research present situation and prospect
摘要 大多数植物在生长发育过程中合成有次生代谢产物,在这些次生代谢产物中如酚类、萜烯类、类黄酮、生物碱、甾体和多糖等均具有抑菌、杀虫、抗病的活性。苦皮藤是体内含有杀虫、抑菌、抗病等生物活性物质的植物,我国民间早有利用其根皮粉防治蔬菜害虫的应用。多年来有学者对其生物活性成分及提取进行研究,利用活性成分研制生物农药,获得了良好的进展。与其它杀虫植物一样,利用苦皮藤的生物活性物质进行开发与利用还不普遍,究其原因主要是植物体内次生代谢产物含量较低,资源有限,采挖野生资源破坏生态环境,人工培育会降低生物活性等因素的影响。植物组织培养是成熟的技术,离体快繁、细胞培养等的研究不计其数,但对苦皮藤植物的离体快繁、细胞培养以及从细胞中提取次生代谢产物加以利用的研究屈指可数。因此,开展对苦皮藤细胞培养并从中提取次生代谢产物研制生物农药的技术研究现实而紧迫。本文对我国植物源农药植物资源的筛选、杀虫物质的生物合成研究进行了介绍,对苦皮藤的开发利用情况和苦皮藤植物离体快繁研究中的愈伤组织诱导与增殖培养研究、芽的增殖和继代培养研究、生根培养和移栽驯化研究以及苦皮藤植物细胞悬浮培养研究、苦皮藤植物组织培养中的褐化问题等研究情况进行分析,为苦皮藤组培快繁、有效成分提取及开发应用研究提供依据。 Our country has abundant plant resources,most plants have secondary metabolites in their growth and development,in these secondary metabolites,such as phenols,terpenes,flavonoids,alkaloids,steroid and polysaccharides have the activity of pseudo fungi,insecticide and disease resistance. Celastrus angulatus is a plant that contains bioactive substances such as insecticidal,pseudo bacteria and disease resistance,the application of root bark powder to prevent vegetable pests has been used in China. It has been studied by scholars for many years,using active ingredients to develop biological pesticides has gained valuable experience. Like other insecticidal plants,it is not yet common to exploit the bioactive substances of celastrus angulatus,the main reason is that there are low levels of secondary metabolites in plants,limited resources,destruction of wild resources and ecological environment,and artificial cultivation can reduce the effects of biological activities. Plant tissue culture is a successful technique,there are numerous studies on the rapid propagation of cells and cell culture,however,there are few studies on the rapid growth,cell culture and the utilization of secondary metabolites from cells to celastrus angulatus.Therefore,carry out the culture of celastrus angulatus cells and it is urgent to extract secondary metabolites to study the biological pesticide. This paper introduces the research on the selection of plant resources and biosynthesis of pesticides in China.Development and utilization of bitter pita and the study on the proliferation and breeding of the callus in the study of callus induction and proliferation,the study of the proliferation of buds and the study of the breeding and transplanting of the grafts and the domestication of the grafts,and study on suspension culture of plant cells of celastrus angulatus,the study on the browning problems in plant tissue culture of celastrus angulatus plant was analyzed,it lays the foundation for the study of the extraction and development of the active ingredient and the active ingredient of celastrus angulatus.
出处 《现代牧业》 2017年第4期33-38,共6页 Modern Animal Husbandry
基金 河南省科技攻关项目(172102110040)
关键词 苦皮藤 植物源农药 离体快繁 细胞培养 褐化 研究现状 Celastrus angulatus Plant source pesticide rapid propagation in vitro Cell culture brown research status
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