
堆外中子剂量计在RPV辐照监督中的应用 被引量:1

The Application of Ex-Vessel Neutron Dosimetry in RPV Irradiation Sunveillance
摘要 堆外中子剂量计在反应堆压力容器中子注量测量准确性方面可达到和堆内辐照监督管相同的水平。但相比堆内辐照监督管,具有监测范围广、安装更换灵活、可长期持续监测、应用成本低等显著优势,是核电机组RPV辐照监督的有效补充手段,在核电厂延寿申请、堆内构件及堆芯燃料排布方案变更改造等方面有良好应用前景,已在国内外取得了广泛应用。 The Ex-Vessel Neutron Dosimetry can achieve same accuracy level of neutron fluence measurement as In-vessel surveillance capsules. However,it has advantages such as broader surveillance area,more flexiable installation and replacement time arrangement,long-term monitoring and lower costs.It is an effective supplemental method of RPV irradiation surveillance and had been widely used both at home and abroad.
出处 《核安全》 2017年第3期18-23,共6页 Nuclear Safety
关键词 反应堆压力容器 堆外中子剂量计 辐照损伤评价 辐照监督 reactor pressure vessel Ex-vessel neutron doismetry irradiation damage assessment irradiation surveillance
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