
龙马溪组页岩可压性实验评价 被引量:1

Experimental Evaluation of Shale Compressibility in Longmaxi Formation
摘要 针对目标区块龙马溪组露头制作岩样,分别进行矿物组分测量、岩石力学测定及水力压裂实验,以验证目标区块页岩的可压性。测得储层岩样平均脆性指数为56.65,水平应力差异系数为0.11,可知该层在进行水力压裂时能形成复杂的裂缝网络。通过岩样水力压裂破坏实验,发现岩样水力压裂后裂缝条数较多,平均为38条,裂缝网络较复杂。最后验证了该层页岩良好的可压性,在水力压裂施工时可以形成复杂缝网。 This paper aims to study the compressibility of the target block Longmaxi group,based on the test of rock outcrops samples of the Longmaxi formation with mineral composition measurement,rock mechanics measurement and hydraulic fracturing experiment. According to the experimental data,the average brittleness index of the reservoir is 56. 65 and the horizontal stress difference coefficient is 0. 11. It can be seen that the layer can form a complex fracture network during hydraulic fracturing. And then the rock fracturing failure test is carried out. It is found that the number of fractures after rock fracturing is large,with the average of 38,and the fracture network is complicated. This confirms that the layer has good compressibility and can form complex slits during hydraulic fracturing.
出处 《重庆科技学院学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2017年第6期5-7,共3页 Journal of Chongqing University of Science and Technology:Natural Sciences Edition
基金 重庆市国土资源和房屋管理局科技计划项目"页岩气储层复杂裂缝形成机理实验研究"(KJ-2015046)
关键词 龙马溪组 脆性指数 水力压裂 可压性 Longmaxi formation brittleness index hydraulic fracturing compressibility
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