
美国信息管理科学硕士课程设置及内容分析——以伊利诺伊大学香槟分校为例 被引量:2

The Master's Course Offering and Content Analysis of American Information Management Science——A Case Study of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
摘要 美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校将"人、信息、技术"作为课程设置的理念导向,以专业知识定制、跨学科学习、跨院校共享等方式创新专业课程设置。从数据科学,隐私、信任、安全和道德,信息架构和设计,知识管理和信息咨询和分析4个方面广泛设置选修课程,并不断探索课程设置的新方法和新平台。通过具体课程及其讲授内容分析发现UIUC开发设计了不同学院课程的互选、MOOC网络课程、WEIS不同学校的共享课程等;课程与具体实际项目或企业合作;课程模块模糊化与交叉性;将社会经济发展过程中出现的新事物、新技术、新需要及时代入课程设置中等。 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign takes "people, information, technology" as guidance to its course offerings, and innovate the course offerings through 3rofessional knowledge customization, interdisciplinary learning, cross university sharing, etc. Its elective courses offered are quite extensive, including data science, privacy, trust, security and ethics, information architecture and design, knowledge management, and information consultation and analysis, and the new methods and platforms for course offering are established. Through analyzing the courses and teaching contents, the author finds that optional courses can be chosen among the different schools in UIUC, and MOOC courses and WEIS sharing courses in different schools are also offered. The courses offered are based on the projects or in accordance with the cooperation needs, the curriculum module are indistinct or intersectional. New things, new technologies and new requirements are taken into consideration inoffering courses.
作者 孙福强
出处 《图书馆学研究》 CSSCI 2017年第22期30-35,共6页 Research on Library Science
关键词 信息管理科学 硕士课程 专业知识定制 science of information management Master's course professional knowledge customization
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  • 2School of Information and Computing, Indiana University. Undergraduate courses[EB/OL]. [2015-09-19]. http://www.soic. indiana.edu/undergraduate/courses/index.html.
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  • 4College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology. Computer science three year course outline [ EB/OL ]. [ 2015-09-19 ]. http://www.cc.gatech.edu/three-year-course-outline.
  • 5School of Information, University of California Berkeley. Course catalog[EB/OL].[2015-09-22], http://www.ischool.berke- ley.edu/courses/catalog#info-O01.
  • 6School of Information, University of Michigan. Course catalog[EB/OL]. [2015-09-23 ].https://www.si.umich.edu/programs/c ourses/catalog.
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