

Evaluation the Effect of TCM Clinical Pathway Treatment Disturbance of Postlumbar Joint
摘要 目的:研究腰椎后关节紊乱症中医临床路径的疗效评价、临床效益及实施效果,初步评估腰椎后关节紊乱症中医临床路径。方法:将100例腰椎后关节紊乱症患者按有无实施临床路径随机分为路径组50例(其中脱落5例)和对照组50例,分别评定总体疗效(VAS疼痛评分、临床疗效和显效时间)、临床效益(治疗费用)和实施效果(患者满意度评分)。结果:两组治疗均有效,两组总有效率及显效时间无显著性差异(P>0.05);路径组平均总费用及药品费、中医治疗费、物理治疗费、材料费均低于对照组,路径组对治疗费用的满意度高于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:临床路径能够有效地降低医疗费用,改善医疗品质,规范诊疗行为,减少资源浪费。 Objective: To evaluate the effect of TCM clinical pathway treatme nt disturbance of postlumbar joint, including the clinical effect, the clinical expenses, and the satisfaction of patients. Methods: 100 Patients with disturbance of postlumbar joint were selected and randomly divided into the clinical pathway group(50 cases, loss 5 cases) and the control group(50 cases). The clinical effect(score of VAS, clinical efficacy, and onset time), the clinical expenses, and the satisfaction of patients of the two groups were compared.Results: Both of the two groups got effects. There's no significant difference in the clinical efficacy and onset time between the two groups; But all of the total cost, the drug expense, the technical expense of TCM, the technical expense of physical treatment, and the material expense of the clinical pathway group were less than the control group(P0.05). Responsibly, in the clinical pathway group, the satisfaction with the expense was higher(P0.05). Conclusion: It is helpful to lower the clinical effect, to improve the medical quality, to standardize the medical behavior, and to reduce the waste of resources to implement the TCM clinical pathway.
出处 《实用中西医结合临床》 2017年第11期1-3,共3页 Practical Clinical Journal of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine
基金 江西省卫生计生委科研课题(编号:2015A224)
关键词 腰椎后关节紊乱症 临床路径 中医 实施效果 Disturbance ofpostlumbar joint TCM clinical pathway Traditional chinese medicine Implementation Effect
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