

Phonetic Features of Ping Dialect of Damian Village Lingchuan Town Lingchuan County
摘要 广西灵川平话在当地自称"平话"或"土话",内部差异很大,有的乡镇之间几乎不能通话,相互交流需要依赖区域共同语——西南官话。位于县内中部地区的灵川镇与附近的三街、定江两个镇的平话基本接近,与南部的灵田、潮田、大圩等乡镇之间还能大致听懂一部分,但与西北方的公平、九屋等乡镇之间就很难交流了。灵川镇大面村大致可以代表灵川镇情况,但与该镇的其他村之间口音差别明显,即使是在大面村内还有几种口音。大面村平话的声母、韵母都比较少,声调也不多。与中古音系比较,演变以合流为主,而韵母的合流最为突出,相当一部分中古时期相配的阳声韵与入声韵字都读同一开尾韵母,所以历史来源不同的同音字较多。 Known as Pinghua or Tuhua,Ping Dialect of Lingchuan county of Guangxi has a series of varieties,and people from different Towns can hardly communicate to each other. Their regional common language is Southwest Mandarin. The dialects in three towns (Lingchuan Town,Sanjie Town,Dingjiang Town)in the middle area of Lingchuan County are more or less similar to each other. People from the three towns in question and those from lingtian Town,Chaotian Town, Daxu Town and some other towns in the south part of Lingchuan County can communicate narrowly with each other. People from the three towns in question and those from the towns in the northwest part of Lingchuan County,such as Gongping Town,Jiuwu Town and so,can hardly communicate with each other. The dialect in Damie Village, Lingchuan Town is also charcaterized by the varieties of dialect. There are several varieties of dialect in Damie Village,Lingchuan Town. Furthermore,the dialects in Damie Village completely differs from those in its neighbor villages. Ping Dialect of Lingchuan is characterized by the relatively less numbers of initial consonants, vowels and the lack of rich tones. Compared with mediaeval phonetic system,the primary feature of the evolution of Ping Dialect of Lingchuan is the coalescing of pronunciation,especially coalescing of vowels. Many Characters with the rising-tone-vowel and the falling-tone vowel in mediaeval times have the same vowel final vowel today. As a result, Ping Dialect of Lingehuan has many homophones with different etymological sources.
作者 刘宗艳
出处 《贺州学院学报》 2017年第4期43-49,共7页 Journal of Hezhou University
基金 国家语委科研项目"中国语言资源保护工程"专项任务"濒危汉语方言调查.广西灵川平话"(YB1619A005) 国家社会科学基金项目重点项目(17AYY005) 贺州学院博士科研启动基金项目(HZUBS201407) 广西高校人文社会科学重点研究基地-南岭走廊族群文化研究基地开放基金(2015kf11)
关键词 灵川 平话 音韵特点 Lingchuan Ping Dialect phonetic features
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