目的探讨自拟止咳方治疗儿童呼吸道感染后咳嗽的临床疗效。方法选取2015年6月至2017年2月深圳市龙岗区人民医院儿科收治的呼吸道感染后咳嗽患儿86例,按随机数表法将其分为观察组和对照组各43例,对照组给予西医治疗,观察组给予自拟止咳方治疗,两组均治疗两个疗程(7 d为一个疗程),比较两组患儿治疗前后的临床疗效,咳嗽与咳痰症状积分,治疗起效时间及治愈时间。结果观察组患儿治疗前后的咳嗽积分分别为(3.00±0.92)分和(1.50±0.68)分,对照组分别为(3.01±0.89)分和(1.92±0.98)分,两组患儿治疗后咳嗽症状积分均明显低于治疗前,且治疗后观察组明显低于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组患儿治疗前后的咳痰积分分别为(3.03±0.91)分和(2.13±1.21)分,对照组分别为(3.02±0.90)分和(2.98±0.89)分,观察组治疗后的咳痰积分明显低于治疗前和对照组治疗后,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组患儿的治疗总有效率为88.4%,明显高于对照组的69.8%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组患儿治疗起效时间与治愈时间分别为(4.21±1.22)d和(8.11±2.23)d,均短于对照组的(6.01±1.23)d和(9.22±2.33)d,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论自拟止咳方治疗儿童呼吸道感染后咳嗽可缓解咳嗽咳痰症状,缩短治疗时间,其疗效明显优于西医治疗。
Objective To discuss the effects of self-made prescription in the treatment of cough after respiratorytract infection in children. Methods A total of 86 children with cough after respiratory infection, who admitted to Depart-ment of Pediatrics of Longgang District People's Hospital of Shenzhen from June 2015 to February 2017, were selected anddivided into the observation group(n=43) and the control group(n=43) according to random number table. The controlgroup was treated with western medicine, and the observation group was treated with self-made prescription for 2 coursesof treatment(seven days for a course of treatment). The treatment effect, cough symptom score, expectoration symptomscore, onset time of the treatment, cure time were contrasted between the two groups. Results The cough symptom scoresbefore and after the treatment were respectively(3.01±0.89) and(1.92±0.98) in the control group versus(3.00±0.92) and(1.50±0.68) in the observation group(P〈0.05); the cough symptom scores after treatment were significantly lower than be-fore the treatment in the two groups(P〈0.05), and the cough symptom score of the observation group was significantly lowerthan that of the control group after the treatment(P〈0.05). The sputum scores before and after the treatment were respec-tively(3.03±0.91) and(2.13±1.21) in the observation group versus(3.02±0.90) and(2.98±0.89) in the control group(P〈0.05); the sputum score after treament in the observation group was significantly lower than that before treament and that ofthe control group after treatment(P〈0.05). The total effective rate was 88.4% in the observation group, which was signifi-cantly higher than 69.8% in the control group(P〈0.05). The onset time and cure time in the observation group were respec-tively(4.21±1.22) d and(8.11±2.23) d, which were significantly shorter than(6.01±1.23) d and(9.22±2.33) d in the controlgroup(P〈0.05). Conclusion The effects of self-made cough relieving decoction can effectively relieve the cough and ex-pectoration symptoms, and shorten the treatment time in children with respiratory tract infection, which is significantly bet-ter than western medicine.
Hainan Medical Journal
Respiratory tract infection
TCM treatmen