目的了解温州市城区≥18岁居民糖尿病前期的患病率及其影响因素。方法通过多阶段随机整群抽样方法,在3个主城区抽取18岁及以上人群作为调查对象,检测空腹血糖。结果共调查11 765名居民,其中男性4 936名,占42%;女性6 829名,占58%。共检出糖尿病患者1 488例,检出率为12.6%;检出IFG患者550例,检出率为4.7%;检出IGT患者983例,检出率为8.4%;检出IGR患者1 005例,检出率为8.5%。多因素Logistic回归分析结果显示,高血压、腰围超标、体重指数高和职业性体力活动是糖尿病前期的重要危险因素。结论温州市城区居民糖尿病前期患病率较高,亟须做好糖尿病患者和高危人群管理工作,延缓糖尿病及其并发症的发生。
Objective To know about the prevalence and influencing factors of diabetes and prediabetes in adult residents in urban areas of Wenzhou. Methods Through multistage sampling method,residents aged over 18 years were selected from Lucheng,Ouhai and Longwan district of Wenzhou city. Personal information was obtained by questionnaires. Fasting blood glucose were detected. Results A total of 11765 residents were involved in this investigation,including 4936 males( 42%)and 6829 females( 58%),and 1488 diabetes cases were detected,the detection rate was 12. 6%. There were 550 IFG cases( 4. 7%),983 IGT cases( 8. 4%) and 1005 IGR cases( 8. 5%) in the 11765 residents. Multiple-factor Logistic regression analysis showed that hypertension,overweight,BMI,occupational physical activity were important risk factors for prediabetes.Conclusion The prevalence of diabetes and prediabetes are higher in Wenzhou. Further management on the diabetes and high-risk groups of diabetes should be strengthened to reduce the incidence of diabetes and prediabetes.
Chinese Journal of Public Health Management