
暗数据可视化在高校图书馆微信移动服务的应用探究 被引量:9

The Exploration and Application of Dark Data Visualization in WeC hat Mobile Service in University Library
摘要 为解决高校图书馆面临的信息资源逐年递增,进馆读者却逐年减少的现实问题,以便准确把握读者的信息需求,提供精准信息服务和实现图书馆推广营销。文章以目前关注度较高、覆盖面较广的微信公众服务平台内读者使用习惯为研究对象,利用暗数据可视化分析手段,分别从收集过程可视化和价值结果可视化两个角度,结合广州医科大学图书馆微信公众服务平台的读者行为,具体展示了暗数据可视化在高校图书馆微信移动服务的初步应用情况。对今后暗数据可视化在高校图书馆精准学科服务等更多领域拓展应用的可能性进行展望,为进一步深入研究如何适度揭示从而规避一系列后续未知风险,提供参考依据和经验借鉴。 In order to solve the problem between the increasing information resources and decreasing users year by year in university libraries, and to accurately grasp the information needs of the users, and to provide precise information servicesandrealize the library marketing,the papertakes the We Chat users' using habits as the object,and uses the dark data visualization analysis methodsto analyze the users' behaviors of the We Chat of the Library of Guangzhou Medical University, with special emphasis on the demonstration of the initial application of dark data visualization in We Chatmobile services of university libraries from the aspects of collection visualization and value result visualization. In the last part,the paper provides an outlook of the extended applications of the dark data visualization in accuratesubject services and other fields of university libraries,and discusses on how to avoid the subsequent unknown risks,aiming at providing reference for further study.
作者 邓小茹
出处 《图书馆学研究》 CSSCI 2017年第23期59-64,共6页 Research on Library Science
基金 广东省文化厅 广东图书馆学会2012年联合资助项目"医药高校移动图书馆建设研究"(项目批准号:GDTK1219) 2016年广州市哲学社会科学发展"十三五"规划课题"广州实施网络社会信息治理与‘暗数据’可视化的耦合机制研究"(项目批准号:2016GZGJ106)的研究成果之一
关键词 暗数据 可视化分析 移动信息服务 微信 精准服务 dark data visual analysis mobile information services WeChat accurate services
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