在山区开展长输管道水工保护工程施工时,传统的浆砌石水保措施因受限于地形条件,石料运输十分不便,影响了水工保护工程施工进度。为了提高施工效率,借鉴其他行业以及同行业其他项目水工保护施工经验,采用生态袋水保措施替代浆砌石水保方案,经过三年多的试点研究,取得了显著的效果。生态袋防护结构能就地取土装袋施工,施工速度快,无需养护,能够快速实现管沟回填和地貌恢复,且因其能长出绿植,可与周围环境融为一体,而具有一定的环保性。但它不适用于石方段,不宜用于河流岸堤防护,生态袋挡土墙净高不宜超过4 m,生态袋截水墙适用的管沟纵坡坡度为5°~30°。
The traditional masonry water conservation measure is limited by the topographic condition during the hydraulic protection construction of long distance pipelines in the mountain area, and it is inconvenient to transport building stones, which affecting the progress of hydraulic protection construction. In order to improve the construction efficiency, and through drawing experiences of water conservation construction for other projects of the same or other industries,the masonry water conservation measure is instead by the ecological bag measure. After more than three years of pilot research,remarkable results have been achieved. The ecological bag conservation structure can realize highspeed construction and no maintenance with using local solid and packing in place. It can quickly achieve the trench backfill and landform recovery. Green planting can grow from the bag, and then the bag can be integrated with surrounding environment,so it can protect environment.With certain applicable conditions, the ecological bag is unfit for the stonework place segment and river levee protection.The retaining wall height of ecological bags should not exceed 4 meters,and the longitudinal gradient of pipe trenches for the ecological bag cutoff wall is 5°~30°.
Oil-Gas Field Surface Engineering
long distance transportation pipeline
hydraulic protection
ecological bag
mountain area
applicable condition