
中国当代荒诞性油画的美学特征与表达拓展 被引量:2

Aesthetic Features and Expression Development of Contemporary Chinese Absurd Oil Painting
摘要 当代中国正处于农耕文化向都市文化的转型阶段。在这一特殊历史时期,出现了以反映传统精英文化与都市大众文化对峙关系的具有荒诞美学特征的油画作品。这类作品运用夸张戏谑的表现形式,阐释了大众对群体身份的界定以及对生存处境的反思,风格上突出了波普文化和广告宣传的图像化形式。从当代中国特殊的现实语境来看,这类油画对荒诞性美学的表达是在统治群体与被统治群体的张力之间,以低姿态对峙高姿态,以庸俗抗衡高雅,以戏谑消解严肃,体现了艺术家的反叛精神和自我意识的觉醒,因而既具有确切反映当下社会症候的意义,又具有丰富中国艺术图像史的价值。从历史发展进程看,中国当代荒诞性油画的美学发掘和表达还有很大的开拓空间。 Contemporary China is in the transitional stage of farming culture to urban culture,in this special historical period,to reflect the traditional elite culture and urban mass culture confrontation there appeared oil paintings with aesthetics characteristics and absurdity. Such works in exaggeration playful forms,explain the definition of group identity and public reflection on the survival situation. In style it,highlights the graphical form of pop culture and advertising. From the special context of contemporary China,contemporary oil painting expression of absurdity aesthetics is the dominant groups and the rule of the tension between the rule group and the ruled groups. With a low profile confrontation stance,and a playful resolve serious,competing with vulgar elegant it embodies the artist's rebellious spirit and the awakening of self-consciousness. With the exact reflection of the present era and the social symptoms,it has the value and significance of the history of Chinese art image history. In the course of historical development,there is still a lot of space for the exploration and expression of the absurdity aesthetics in contemporary Chinese oil painting.
作者 唐萍
出处 《西北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第1期166-170,共5页 Journal of Northwest University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(17BAO15)
关键词 荒诞 中国当代油画 社会转型 身份 absurd oil painting social transformation Chinese contemporary identity
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