The main precursors of the landslide destabilization are continuous expansion of the tensioncrack at rear edge and continuous deformation of the landslide. During high water level operation ofLongyangxia hydropower station since 2005, the observed values of measuring points of the landslidebody leveling and the cave leveling have risen to different degree and the crack at rear edge of the land-slide body has also expanded.In order to grasp the deformation law of Longxi landslide and determine the stabilization statecorrectly, the authors have comprehensively analyzed the geological conditions, deformation and failurecharacteristics of landslide and monitoring data. And the conclusion has been obtained that the deforma-tion rate of Longxi landslide is basically stable, and there is no obvious widening and extension in mostof tension cracks on the trailing edge. By now, Longxi landslide is in stable state. Except some small-scale collapse near the reservoir bank, bank slope recession and the formation of new underwater accu-mulation, there is no sign of large volume slipping of the landslide. How the raise of observed levelingvalues influence the stability of Longxi landslide is not clear yet.
Dam & Safety
Longyangxia hydropower station
Longxi landslide
high water level operation period
deformation characteristics analysis