
超低排放电厂除尘器对痕量重金属的控制作用(英文) 被引量:6

Co-benefit of hazardous trace elements capture in dust removal devices of ultra-low emission coal-fired power plants
摘要 目的:燃煤过程中释放的痕量重金属迁移到大气中会对人体造成很大的危害。除尘器在脱除颗粒物的同时可以协同脱除重金属,研究超低排放除尘器对重金属的控制作用效果和影响因素,可以得到提升脱除重金属效率的手段和方法,利于实现燃煤电厂重金属的超低排放。方法:1.通过测试方法检测出重金属在煤、飞灰和底灰当中的绝对含量;2.通过分析重金属在飞灰和底灰中占总输入量的比例,得到三种类型除尘器对重金属的脱除效果;3.通过皮尔森相关性系数和灰色关联模型分析各影响因素对重金属在飞灰当中富集的影响作用大小。结论:1.低温电除尘器和电袋除尘器对于汞、砷和硒的脱除效果明显大于常规电除尘器;2.电除尘器的入口烟气温度越低,汞、砷和硒在除尘器中的脱除效果越好;3.煤中的硫含量对重金属在飞灰当中的吸附作用影响明显,其含量越高越不利于重金属的吸附;4.与其他影响因素相比,飞灰当中的铁氧化物和钙氧化物对重金属在飞灰当中吸附的促进作用较为有限。 The co-benefit of hazardous trace elements such as mercury(Hg), arsenic(As), and selenium(Se) capture in dust removal devices of ultra-low emission coal-fired power plants was investigated. Feed fuel and ash samples collected from 15 different coal-fired power units equipped with ultra-low emission systems were characterized to determine the concentrations and distribution characteristics of trace elements. It was found that the low-low temperature electrostatic precipitator(LLT-ESP) and the electrostatic fabric filter(EFF) had greater abatement capacity for Hg than normal cold-side ESP(CS-ESP). Only 0.8%–36.1% of Hg escaped from LLT-ESP and EFF, whereas 42.1%–90.6% of Hg escaped from CS-ESP. With the employment of EFF and ESP(inlet temperature125 °C), 72.3%–99.1% of As and 70.7%–100% of Se could be captured before the wet flue gas desulfurization(WFGD) system. The significance level of the effects on the abatement capacity for Hg, As, and Se in ESP were analyzed by the Pearson correlation analysis and grey relational analysis. The results indicated that the low inlet temperature of LLT-ESP had significant promotional effect on the simultaneous removal of Hg, As, and Se. The smaller particle size of fly ash can be conducive to the adsorption of hazardous trace elements. The inhibitory effect of sulfur content in coal was significant for the enrichment of Hg and Se in fly ash.
出处 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第1期68-79,共12页 浙江大学学报(英文版)A辑(应用物理与工程)
基金 supported by the National Key Research and Development Plan(No.2016YFC0203706) the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.U1609212 and 51621005) the Environmental Welfare Project of the Ministry of Environmental Projection of China(No.201509012)
关键词 超低排放 除尘器 重金属 影响因素 Trace elements Abatement capacity Low-low temperature electrostatic precipitator(LLT-ESP) Electrostatic fabric filter(EFF) Influencing factors
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