This paper analyzes the abnormal operation of the desahing system of raw material pretreatment unit of Shandong Yuhuang Shengshi Chemical Co. , Ltd. , and points out the importance of strengthening the crude oil management in the head tank area of electric desalination. The operation parameters of the electric desalination system were optimized for the heavy crude oil, but the results did not achieve the expected desalination effect. The reason analysis shows that the electric desalination effect of heavy and low quality crude oil is limited only by optimizing the operation parameters and optimizing the demulsifier. Under the condition of the volume of the electric desalting tank, the rising speed of the oil flow in the electric field is reduced as much as possible. Is the fundamental way to break through the bottleneck of high efficiency electric desalination technology. Finally, it is recommended that Chinag electric desalination complete sets of equipment research company combined with domestic and foreign high - performance electric desalination technology, research and development of new and efficient electric desalination technology ,effectively deal with the current stage of crude oil quality and poor quality, large -scale installation of serious challenges.
Shandong Chemical Industry
heavy and low quality crude oil
electrical desalting
electrical dehydration
salt in desalted oil
the rate of oil flow inthe electric field