3Michael Moran, The British Regulatory State, Oxford University Press, 2003.
4Michael Moran, The British Regulatory State, Oxford University Press, 2003, p.78.
5Michael Moran, The British Regulatory State, Oxford University Press, 9003, p.78--79.
6See C. Briault, The Rationale for a Single National Financial Services Regulator, London: FSA, Occasional Paper Series 2, May 1999.
7See R. Baldwin, M. Cave and K. Malleson, Regulating Legal Services: Time for the Big Bang? 67 Modern Law Review 801 --811 (2004).
8Also see Eva Z. Lomnicka, Reforming U.K. Financial Sercices Regulation: The Creation of a SingleRegulation, Journal of Business Law 488 (1 999).
9Eilis Ferran, Symposium: Financial Supermarkets Need Super Regulations? Examining the United Kingdoms Experience in Dopting the Single Financial Regulator Model, 28 BROOKLYN J.INT'LL.,257, :261 (2003).
10H.M.Treasury, Financial Services and Markets Bill: A Consultation Document, Part One, London: H.M.Treasury,1998.