
中国对外投资安全保障建设要点分析 被引量:2

Analysis of the Key Points of China's Overseas Investment Security Construction
摘要 近年,国际经济形势复杂,中国对外投资的规模持续扩大.从2015年开始,中国从资本净输入国转为净输出国,2016年对外投资的金额达到1830亿美元,排名世界第二位,对外投资已经成为中国经济增长的重要动力[1].然而,伴随着中国对外投资数额的迅速增加. With the development of economic globalization, and the expansion of China's overseasinvestment, the risk has also increased and investment safety has aroused greater concern. In Analysis of International Trend of China's Direct Overseas Investment it is pointed out that compared with developedeconomy, China's overseas investment is still in its infancy, and still needs improvement. Meanwhile, there is aserious imbalance between China's capital output and input, relying heavily on foreign investment. In order tofurther promote the progress of our economy, it is necessary to keep a balance between foreign investment andoverseas investment by making the most the former while vigorously developing the latter. Risk Assessment and Strategy of Chinese Overseas Investment states that the risk assessment of Chinese overseas investment should bemade according to the specific environment of each country, analyzing the risks and credit rating, and thereforeadopting corresponding strategies, which will provide favorable prerequisite to competition in economicglobalization, prepare enterprises for overseas investment and promote stable and rapid development of Chineseeconomy. In Analysis of the Key Points of China's Overseas Investment Security Construction, it is pointed outthat with the implementation of the"One Belt And One Road"strategy, China's overseas investment will alsohave a more rapid development. However, compared with developed countries, we are still inexperienced in thisarea, thus resulting in frequent losses. It is essential to construct a security system specific to our overseasinvestment. In International Comparison and Reference of China's Overseas Investment Security System, it ispointed out that compared with that of the United States, Japanese and European Union, the overseas investmentsecurity system in China is still immature. It is necessary to learn from developed countries to improve oursecurity system and create safe investment environment.
作者 倪英子
出处 《河南社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第12期19-23,共5页 Henan Social Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(70971083)
关键词 中国经济增长 保障建设 投资安全 国际经济形势 对外投资 投资数额 输出国 资本 China's Overseas Investment Overseas Investment Security System Overseas Investment Risk International Comparison
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