he story of Chong Er, Jin ' s nobleman, is recorded in detail both in Zuo Zhuan and Historical Records, and there are many differences of two books about the same historical figure and historical course. The most intuitive difference is at the textual level, and researchers conducted comparative study of texts from the narrative content, language style, layout, character and charac-ter trait, which are based on the effect of existing works and are static study. Narratological theory pays attention to the study of nar-ration process, in which narrative perspective reflects the relationship between narrator and narrative materials. Narrator takes the different angles and ways on the same narrative object, and even the same narrative material, which lead to the stylistic difference of narrative works. Specifically, Zuo Zhuan uses impersonal narration, strictly follows the principle of record, and adopts the way of Mevents mixed with words^ , resulting fragmented and dramatic effect, implicating moral principles. Historical Records uses the om-niscient narration, focuses on the complete show of whole historical facts, and pays attention to continuity and logicality of narration, reflecting the enhancement of historian1 s self-consciousness and the stronger ability of explaining the history. Of course, when ana-lyzing and comparing two texts, we cannot ignore the factors of history style. The former is the first historical annals in China, and the latter is the founder of biographical history. Historical annals centere on recording events and doesn,t get rid of the stereot, recording events when dealing with character-centered subject, so, Chong ErJ story could only be memorabilia. Yet, centered on character, biographical history groups the people and things involved in each period together, completely emerges life course of char-acter, shows the relationship between the character, fate and external environment.
Journal of Weinan Normal University
Zuo Zhuan
Historical Records
Chong Er's story
text difference
narration perspective
history style