No research works, in a real and integrated fashion, on oriental diplomatic history in China had been pub- lished by the year of 2006 when the International Academic Symposium on Oriental Diplomatic History was convened. Since then, thanks to such symposiums, 7 books in this regard have been released successively, with contributions of re- searchers from nearly 100 universities and research institutes in more than 10 countries and regions. During the past dec- ade, with such symposiums as research centers and academic exchange platforms, Chinese researchers have attempted to apply new compiling style to their research in oriental diplomatic history. Moreover, they have blazed a new trail by get- ting their eyes out of history research field and by refining research contents in this regard. As a result of relentless ef- forts, research on oriental countries in an integrated sense has taken shape, which is of practical significance and of great foresight. Researchers have made great efforts to get away from depending solely on theories by western scholars so as to play their main roles in this regard. Chinese scholars have begun to make their presence in international academic symposi- um more confidently. Great progress has been made in the discipline of oriental diplomatic history, with the concept, ob- ject of study, research method, research purpose and significance in this regard basically established. Against the back- drop of the rising of oriental countries as a whole, research on oriental diplomatic history will become a more effective paradigm to study and probe into oriental history as well as historical ties between the east and the west.
Journal of Shanghai Normal University(Philosophy & Social Sciences Edition)
oriental diplomatic history, oriental diplomatic history symposium, oriental countries, China