
中老年“农转非”城市居民的健康风险更高吗? 被引量:9

Are the Health Risks of Middle-aged and Elderly Permanent Migrants from Rural China Higher?
摘要 在我国户籍制度改革背景下,分析经历过从农村户口到非农户口转换的群体,即"农转非"群体的健康风险具有重要的政策价值。文章基于中国健康与养老追踪调查2013年和2015年的面板数据和样本选择纠正方法,实证研究了城市中老年农转非居民同城市原住居民自评健康风险的差异,结果发现:(1)在移民健康的影响因素研究中,不进行样本选择纠正,可能会大大低估户口性质和教育对健康风险的作用;(2)农转非居民尽管实现了向上的社会流动,但相对于城市原住居民,无论是处在中年阶段还是老年阶段,他们的自评健康风险更高;(3)相对于城市原住居民,在高中及以下群体中,同等教育程度的中年和老年农转非居民的健康风险均显著较高;不过,在高等教育群体中,两个群体的健康风险不具有显著性差异。因此,在户籍制度改革和城镇化过程中要重点关注低教育和中等教育程度的新兴"农转非"城市居民的健康风险。 Many residents from the rural areas gain urban hukou status and become the new permanent urban migrants because China has been implementing the hukou system (the household registration system) and has been in the period of the rapid urbanization. It is of significant policy value to analyze the health risks of the nongzhuanfei group (the permanent migrants from rural areas). The objective of this paper is to identi- fy the differences in perceived health risks between the urban natives and the nongzhuanfei group based on the panel data of China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study in 2013 and 2015 and the method of sample se- lection corrections. The results indicate that: firstly, the effects of education and hukou on the health risks of urban lgigrants from rural areas are much underestimated without sample selection corrections; secondly, the .? nongzhuanfei group has achieved upward mobility, however, compared to the urban natives, they have signi- ficantly higher perceived health risks whether in middle-aged or elderly periods; thirdly, compared to the urb- an natives, the nongzhuanfei group with low and middle education degree has significantly higher perceived health risks, however, there are no significant differences between the nongzhuanfei group and the urban nat- ives with advanced education; fourthly, higher education can effectively reduce health risks of both the urban natives and the nongzhuanfei group; fifthly, compared to the urban natives, the nongzhuanfei group has higher possibility to be ill during the past month. The placebo and robust tests show that the results are still reliable. Based on the previous literature, this paper explores the mechanism that the nongzhuanfei group has higher health risks. They experience more serious malnutrition and could not enjoy the same quality and quantity edu- cation and healthcare as the urban natives when they lived in the rural areas. Even at present, the children in rural China are confronted with many risks, such as malnutrition, poor accessibility to public health services and low enrollment rate of senior schools. Therefore, more attention should be paid to the health risks of the new nongzhuanfei group with low and middle education during hukou system reform and urbanization. The governments can take some measures to reduce health risks of the new nongzhuanfei group, such as carrying out universal sensor school education and the higher enrollment rate of college, disseminating health know- ledge and advocating health behaviors.
作者 方黎明 郭静
出处 《财经研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第1期142-152,F0003,共12页 Journal of Finance and Economics
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目"老年人健康风险的社会决定因素 风险链及其管理"(14BSH141)
关键词 户籍制度 健康风险 健康公平 农转非 hukou system health risk health equality permanent migrant
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