

Investigation on the Current Situation of the Cultural Circle of the Belief of Dayu in East Asia
摘要 亚洲区域内交流已有数千年历史,随人口迁徙,历史文化融合,在日本产生形成了大禹文化圈等中日文化互动平台。该平台同时也为比较文化、比较文学研究工作的进行提供了宝贵素材。笔者集中挖掘和甄选以东亚为中心的亚洲公共课题,探索中日价值认同的核心,加深推进社会对中日、东亚乃至于整个亚洲历史文化关系的关注,繁荣和平发展的生命共同体。本文以现存日本社会的大禹信仰为例,并佐以韩国民间大禹信仰现状,着重梳理根植于民间的133处大禹文物考察成果,剖析该文化现象对当代价值取向及社会发展所发挥的作用,为比较文化与比较文学研究领域的深耕拓展提供点滴参考。 The exchanges among Asian countries have a history of thousands of years. With the migration of population as well as the integration of history and culture, many cultural platforms for SinoJapanese interaction such as Dayu Cultural Circle has emerged in Japan. This platform has also provided valuable material for the research work of comparative culture and literature. The writer of this article has concentrated on the work of excavation and selection of Asian public projects with on East Asia as the center, exploring the core of value recognition between China and Japan, and enhancing the society's attention to the peaceful development of life community concerning historical and cultural relations between China and Japan, as well as the relations among East Asian countries and the whole Asia. Taking the existing belief of Dayu in Japanese society as an example, with the description of the status quo of the belief of Dayu of people in South Korea, this article has focused on the investigation on the 133 Dayurelated cultural relics in East Asian countries and has analyzed the role of this cultural phenomenon in the orientation of contemporary values and social development, providing some references for the further development of comparative culture and literature research.
作者 王敏
出处 《东北亚外语研究》 2017年第4期10-14,共5页 Foreign Language Research in Northeast Asia
关键词 地平天成 日本禹王文化节 京都御所 大禹戒酒防微图 禹步 the ground stabilized and the heaven thrived King of Dayu Festival in Japan Kyoto Imperial Palace Painting of “Dayu’s Quitting Alcohol-drinking with Self-discipline” Dayu’s steps
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