
市场创新之法治尊重:论共享单车的法律规制 被引量:6

Veneration of the Rule of Law in Market Innovation: the Legal Regulation of Sharing Bikes
摘要 作为借助移动互联网租赁自行车的新型交通模式,共享单车出现了乱停乱放、安全保障等质疑之声。法治思维和法治方式要求依法调控经济运行,严惩盗窃、损毁单车等违法行为,以良法善治为市场自由提供交通战略、城市规划等领域的公共服务。规制策略上实行负面清单制度,鼓励制定行业团体标准和自律公约、投保共享单车责任险和用户人身意外伤害险,以协同运作等形式促进良性发展。押金交易具有金融属性,用于投资收益的同时采取缴存安全准备金和押金返还责任险等形式保障消费者权益。有必要通过产业政策引导共享单车再次共享,进一步优化资源配置,以更加契合共享经济的创新理念。 As a new transportation mode by virtue of mobile Internet lease, the shared bike gets the doubts of disorderly parking, security assurance and so on. The rule of law in thinking and methods requires regulating economic operation according to the law, and providing the public service of traffic strategy, urban planning and some other fields for the market freedom with good law and governance. In strategy, the regulation implements negative list system, encourages to formulate the industrial group standard and self-discipline pact, insurance liability and life accident insurance of users, and promote the favorable development with the forms of collaborative operation and so on. The deposit transaction has financial feature, to be used for investment and simultaneously adopt the forms of depositing safety reserves, deposit refund liability insurance and so on to guarantee the consumers' rights and interests. It is necessary to guide the shared bike to be shared again through industrial policy, and further optimize resource allocation, so as to more conform to the innovation concept of sharing economy.
作者 陈上海 何春
出处 《未来与发展》 2018年第1期33-38,共6页 Future and Development
基金 国家社科基金一般项目"包容性增长中的不平等及其法律应对研究"(项目编号:14BFX139)
关键词 共享单车 市场 创新 法治 规制 the shared bike, market, innovation, rule of law, regulation
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