For nearly 20 years, the neutral and synchrotron science community has been hoping for a common data format for exchanging experimental results and applications in order to reduce and analyze data. The use of HDF5 as a data carrier has become the standard for many facilities. The biggest problem is the standardization of data organization (schema) within HDF5. By introducing a new indirect layer for data access: the Common Data Model Access (CDMA) framework, a solution is proposed that allows separation of responsibilities between data reduction developers and the institute. Data reduction developers are responsible for data reduction code; the institute provides plug-ins for accessing data. CDMA is a core API that accesses data through a data format plug-in mechanism and a scientific application definition (sets of keywords) that is commonly recognized by scientists and research institutes. The use of a new mapping system between application definition and physical data organization enables CDMA to allow data reduction application to be developed independently of data file carrier and schema. Each institute develops a data access plug-in for its own data file format, as well as mapping between application definitions and data files. As a result, data reduction applications can be developed from a rigorously scientific perspective and can immediately process data from multiple research institutes.
Wireless Internet Technology
common data model access
data analysis
data visualization
data reduction
dictionary mechanism