目的探讨门诊就诊人群高危型HPV基因型分布特征,为疫苗接种和宫颈癌的早期防治提供参考依据。方法对5 086例妇科门诊就诊女性的宫颈脱落细胞标本进行HPV基因分型检测,并对高危型HPV(high-risk HPV,HR-HPV)亚型感染情况进行对比分析。结果在所收集的5 086份标本中,HPV阳性1 641例,其中1 534例为HR-HPV感染,HPV阳性率为32.27%,HR-HPV阳性率是30.16%。HPV阳性率从高到低的年龄组分别是:55~64岁组(41.35%)、<25岁组(36.22%)、25~34岁组(34.12%)、45~54岁组(34.00%)、≥65岁组(30.11%)、35~44岁组(25.94%);所有HR-HPV阳性标本经病理检测,未发现有病理改变228例,仅轻度炎症改变724例,低度病变243例,高度病变312例,原位癌15例,宫颈癌12例;HR-HPV亚型最常见的类型分别是:HPV52、HPV58、HPV16,其阳性率分别为21.77%、16.75%、15.31%。结论在就诊人群中HPV感染率最高的是55~64岁的人群,最常见的HR-HPV亚型是HPV52,HPV基因型检测对于宫颈癌的早期防治有重要的指导意义。
Objective To investigate the different states of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and the distribution of high- risk HPV (HR- HPV) genotypes in female outpatients. Methods Cervical exfoliated cell specimens were collected from 5 086 women for HPV screening in the department of Gynecology, and HR-HPV subtypes' infection state were analyzed. Results Among the 5 086 female exfoliated cell specimens, 1 641 (32.27%) were found to be positive for HPV infection, and 1 534 (30.]6%) were HR-HPV positive. The HPV positive rates in different age groups were as follow: 55 to 64 years old group was 41.35%, 〈25 years old group was 36.22%, 25 to 34 years old group was 34.12%, 45 to 54 years old group was 34.00%, ~〉65 years old group was 30.11%, and finally 35 to 44 years old group was 25.94%. According to the pathology reports, 228 cases were normal, 724 cases were inflammation, 243 cases were low grade lesion, 312 cases were high grade lesion, 15 cases were cervical carcinoma in situ and 12 cases were cervical carcinoma in all the HR-HPV positive outpatients. The top 3 high-risk subtypes of HPV found in the population were HPV52, HPV58 and HPV16 and the positive rates were 21.77%, 16.75% and 15.31% respectively. Conclusions The majority of HPV found in outpatients of our hospital was HPV52 and the positive rate of all detected HPV subtypes peaked among women aged 55 to 64 years old. Genotyping of HPV was meaningful for preventing and treating cervical cancer.
Journal of Molecular Diagnostics and Therapy
Human papillomavirus
Cervical carcinoma