
多团队情境下领导团队代表性的“双刃剑”效应 被引量:8

The double-edge sword effects of leader group prototypicality in the multi-team context
摘要 基于社会认同理论,对领导团队代表性在多团队情境下影响下属的团队内与团队间行为的不同作用机制进行探讨。通过对4家企业的257份匹配问卷分析发现:高团队代表性的领导一方面可以提升下属的团队内认同,促使下属表现出团队内组织公民行为,另一方面也会强化下属的团队间差异感知,诱发下属的团队间群体性偏差行为;且两种效应的形成有各自独立的作用机制。该结果不仅从理论上丰富与拓展了领导团队代表性效应的研究,也可为实务界提供实践指导。 Leader group prototypicality refers to the subordinates' perception of the extent to which a team leader was representative of the collective identity. A number of studies have investigated the positive consequences of leader group prototypicality, while some scholars proposed that leader group prototypicality probably induced negative results. Whether leader group prototypicality simultaneously leads to both positive and negative effects, however, is far less clear to date. Drawing from the self-categorization theory and the social identity theory, we argued that leader group prototypicality not only facilitated subordinates' self-categorization into their teams, but also engendered their social-categorization tendencies in the multi-team context. With this argument, we examined the distinct mechanisms simultaneously and independently occurring between leader group prototypicality and intra-team collective citizenship behavior via the subordinates' intra-team identification. We also inspected the relationship between leader group prototypicality and inter-team collective deviance via the subordinates' perception of inter-team distinctiveness. To test our model, we conducted a survey on 257 subordinates and 72 team leaders from 4 companies in the Guangdong province. The survey questionnaires were distributed and coded on an online survey system. All respondents were informed of the confidentiality of their responses. In an attempt to avoid the common method bias, we collected multiphase multisource data from the subordinate and the team leader. In phase 1, subordinates were invited to report their evaluation on the leader group prototypicality and control variables. In phase 2, subordinates were invited to self-report their intra-team identification and their perception of inter-team distinctiveness. Similarly, team leaders were invited to report their intra-team collective citizenship behavior, their inter-team collective deviance as well as other related variables. Empirical results supported our postulation that leader group prototypicality was a double-edge sword in the multi-team context. Specially, with respect to the intra-team process, leader group prototypicality was positively related to subordinates' intra-team identification, and subordinates' intra-team identification was positively related to intra-team collective citizenship behavior. Subordinates' intra-team identification mediated the indirect effect of leader group prototypicality on intra-team collective citizenship behavior. Meanwhile, with respect to the inter-team process, leader group prototypicality was also positively related to subordinates' perception of inter-team distinctiveness, and subordinates' perception of inter-team distinctiveness was positively related to inter-team collective deviance. Subordinates' perception of inter-team distinctiveness mediated the indirect effect of leader group prototypicality on inter-team collective deviance. Moreover, intra-team self-categorization and inter-team social categorization represented unique systems. In other words, intra-team identification was not significantly related to inter-team collective deviance, nor perception of inter-team distinctiveness was significantly related to intra-team collective citizenship behavior. With these findings, we make several contributions to the literature and management practice. First, we addressed the question whether leader group prototypicality could simultaneously cause beneficial and damaging results. Second, we identified the differential indirect effects of leader group prototypicality on subordinate behavior. Third, our work provided evidence and complemented the traditional focus on intra-team context by drawing our attention to the underlying inter-team process of leader group prototypicality. Finally, our work helped to build a comprehensive framework for understanding the double-edge sword effects of leader group prototypicality in the multi-team system. From a practical point of view, our study raised our attention of the co-existed positive and negative effects of leader group prototypicality, and recommended managers to adopt remedies in promoting the positive effects while prohibiting the negative ones.
出处 《心理学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第1期58-68,共11页 Acta Psychologica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71772076 71372144 71502042) 广东省自然科学基金自由申请项目(2015A030313579) 广东省普通高校人文社科研究项目(2014WQNCX108)
关键词 领导团队代表性 团队内认同 团队间差异感知 团队内组织公民行为 团队间群体性偏差行为 leader group prototypicality intra-team identification perception of inter-team distinctiveness intrateam collective citizenship behavior inter-team collective deviance
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