

The Discussion about the Judgment on Chen Baisha Philosophy of the Mind and the School of Jiangmen by Mou Zongsan
摘要 牟宗三作为现代新儒家的代表人物,在建构新儒学道统时并没有给予陈白沙心学及江门学派充分的肯定。牟宗三认为,陈白沙的体证工夫缺乏充分而笃实的践证,他对心体的体认流于玩弄光景,未能真正建立心学系统。刘宗周的儒学既继承了程颐、朱熹关于性体的理论精髓,又继承了陆九渊、王守仁关于心体的理论精髓,是新儒学道统的殿军。事实上,无论从师承关系上讲,还是从学派传承的内容与特征上讲,刘宗周都属于江门学派。陈白沙所构建的心体、道体体系经由湛若水、唐枢、许孚远依次传承至刘宗周、黄宗羲,陈白沙心学及江门学派是濂洛正宗。牟宗三对陈白沙心学及江门学派的定位失之偏颇。 Wu Yubi is the bridge between the school of Zhou Dunyi and the school of Jiang Men. Chen Baisha studied under Wu Yubi,and inherited the cosmogony,the ontology and the literature theory from the school of Zhou Dunyi,and passed on knowledge to the school of Jiang Men,which fostered and enhanced the theoretical essence. As the representative figure of Modern Neo Confucianism,Mou Zongsan did not fully affirmed the philosophy of the mind of Chen Baisha and the school of Jiangmen when he constructed the new Confucianism system. Mou Zongsan thought that the skill of realization the heart by Chen Baisha was not solid,and due to the defects of the skill,Chen Baisha could not really build the system of mind. Mou Zongsan thought that Liu Zongzhou inherited the theoretical essence from Zhu Xi,Lu Jiuyuan and Wang Yangming. Liu Zongzhou was the Rearguard of the neo Confucianism. In fact,the confucianism of Liu Zongzhou belonged to the school of Jiangmen no matter from the apprentice or from the content and features. The system of nature,heart and the world which constructed by Chen Baisha was inherited from Chen Baisha to Zhan Ruoshui,Tangshu,Xu Fuyuan,Liu Zongzhou,Huang Zongxi successively. The philosophy of the mind of Chen Baisha and the school of Jiangmen was the main stream in the Ming Dynasty,and was also the orthodox school of Zhou Dunyi. It was a miscarriage of justice that Mou Zongsan judged for the philosophy of the mind of Chen Baisha and school of Jiangmen. The judgement did not conform to the objective fact.
作者 张运华
出处 《南昌大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 北大核心 2017年第6期52-57,共6页 Journal of Nanchang University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"江门学派研究"(15BZX045)
关键词 牟宗三 白沙心学 江门学派 濂洛正宗 刘宗周 Mou Zongsan the philosophy of the mind of Chen Baisha The school of Jiangmen The school ofZhou Dunyi Liu Zongzhou
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