
硫磺装置酸性气泄漏事故影响因素研究 被引量:1

Study on Influence Factors of Sour Gas leakage Accident in Sulfur Recovery Units
摘要 针对石化厂区硫磺回收装置酸性气泄漏事故进行了模拟分析,选用CFD软件FLACS,模拟了不同因素对酸性气泄漏事故后果的影响。结果表明:泄漏方向对扩散影响最为显著,与泄漏方向垂直向上相比,泄漏方向水平于地面的扩散浓度明显增高,事故后果更加严重,且气云核心更加接近泄漏源;风速越快,扩散速度越快,其与风速成近似比例关系;泄漏高度越高,硫化氢气云在地表沉积的区域越远,这对气体检测仪的布置有所影响;泄漏孔径主要影响扩散浓度,其与泄漏孔面积成近似比例关系。该结果对情景构建工作中最坏事故场景的确定以及企业的事故应急疏散具有一定的指导意义。 In order to study the severity and diffusion area of H-)2S leakage accident,FLACS software was used to simulate hydrogen sulfide leakage from a sulfide recycle installation in different leakage directions,leakage heights,wind speeds and leakage hole sizes by implementing a 3 D Computational Fluid Dynamics(CFD) model without any obstacle.Leakage direction was firstly studied as a parameter.The results show that leakage direction is the determining factor which influences the severity and diffusion area of hydrogen sulfide leakage accident in chemical plant.H-)2S concentration of horizontal leakage is much higher than that of vertical leakage,and the highest concentration area is closer to leakage source.As the leakage height increases,hydrogen sulfide gas cloud falls to the ground in longer distance which makes a difference to H-)2S detector arrangement.Wind speed mainly affects diffusion distance.Higher wind speed makes diffusion distance longer.In a relatively bigger wind speed situation,gas disperses quickly along and perpendicular to the wind direction and concentration of dispersion cloud decreases slightly.As the leak hole becomes bigger,the concentration of hydrogen sulfide gas cloud on the ground increases remarkably.The study result has guiding significance for determining the worst accident in the process of scene construction and emergency rescue.
出处 《辽宁化工》 CAS 2017年第12期1235-1239,1245,共6页 Liaoning Chemical Industry
基金 国家科技部重点研发计划专项"易燃易爆危险化学品灾害事故应急处置技术装备研发与应用示范" 项目号:2016YFC0801300
关键词 FLACS 酸性气 泄漏 扩散模拟 FLACS sour gas leak diffusion simulation
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