为了明确环境因子对大豆灰斑病侵染的影响。试验采用大豆品种‘垦丰14’在温室内进行,在第2片三出复叶完全展开时进行孢子悬浮液的喷雾接种。试验设立5个温度处理:15℃、20℃、25℃、30℃、35℃和6个叶面湿润期处理:12 h、24 h、36 h、48 h、60 h、72 h。采取二因素完全随机有重复试验,4次重复。结果表明:在叶面湿润期12 h内,无论温度多少均无病斑出现;说明叶面湿润期12 h不足以维持灰斑病菌的侵染,当在15℃的温度下,灰斑病的病斑只能在48 h的叶面湿润期里测得到病斑直径及数量,说明灰斑病侵染大豆植株的最低温度是15℃,叶面湿润期最少需要48 h才能够使灰斑病侵染。在温度20℃~35℃下,均需要最少24 h的保湿期才能测得病斑直径和数量。在叶面持续湿度72 h下,30℃对病斑的数量和直径影响最大,说明该条件是最适合灰斑病侵染的环境因子。
To clarify the effect of environmental factors on the infection of soybean frogeye leaf spot, theauthors conducted an experiment in a greenhouse with cultivar‘Kenfeng14', and carried out the sprayinoculation of spore suspension when the 2 ndthree leaves were fully expanded. The study consisted of 5 temperatures(15℃, 20℃, 25℃, 30℃ and 35℃) and 6 treatments(12 h, 24 h, 36 h, 48 h, 60 h and 72 h). Theexperiment was completely randomized with 4 replications. The results showed that: there was no lesion duringthe leaf humid period of 12 h, indicating that 12 h of leaf humid was not enough to maintain the infection ofsoybean frogeye leaf spot; the diameter and the number of frogeye leaf spot could only be measured during 48 hleaf humid period at 15℃; the diameter and number of frogeye leaf spot could be measured during 24 h leafhumid period at 20℃-35℃; when the temperature was 30℃, the biggest effects on the diameter and number offrogeye leaf spot during 72 h leaf humid period could be observed, indicating that the condition was the mostsuitable environmental factor for the infection of frogeye leaf spot.
Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
soybean frogeye leaf spot
continuous humidity of foliage