目的为了解苏州市城乡居民吸烟现状及相关影响因素,为今后开展控烟教育以及行为干预提供依据。方法采用分层整群随机抽样,使用全国统一的《2015年全国居民吸烟情况调查问卷》对苏州市2008名居民进行问卷调查。结果 2015年苏州居民的吸烟率为27.1%,目前每日吸烟者为22.5%,苏州烟民中每日吸烟者为82.8%,日均吸烟量为13.0支/人。性别、职业和年龄为影响苏州居民吸烟行为的重要因素。结论苏州市吸烟现状显示中老年男性和部分脑力劳动者吸烟率较高,是我们今后控烟工作的重点人群。青年、老年以及企业员工和农民的烟草知识知晓率较低,他们将是我们控烟知识普及的重点人群。
Objective To analyze the prevalence and influencing factors of smoking behavior among urban and rural residents in Suzhou and to provide evidences for health education and behavior intervention in the tobacco control. Methods Stratified multi-stage cluster sampling was adopted and 2008 residents were selected and surveyed with the global adult tobacco survey questionnaire in 2015. Results In Suzhou among the residents, the smoking rate was 27. 1%, the current daily smoking rate was 22. 5% ; among the smoking residents, the daily smoking rate was 82. 8%, the average daily smoking was 13.0 cigarettes each person. Sex, occupation and age were main influencing factors of smoking behavior in Suzhou. Conclusion According to the current situation of smoking in Suzhou, the smoking rate is very high among medium- elderly men, some brainworkers who will be the key crowd of tobacco control. Awareness rate of tobacco knowledge is very low among the young people, the old age, employees and peasants who will be the key crowd of health education in tobacco control.
Chinese Journal of Health Education
The smoking rate
The daily smoking rate
Awareness rate of tobacco knowledge
Influencing factor