
冰冻圈和极地环境变化关键参数观测与反演 被引量:2

Observation and Inversion of Key Parameters of Cryospheric and Polar Environment Changes
摘要 在影响气候系统的5大圈层(大气、水、冰冻、岩石、生物)中,冰冻圈被认为是气候系统多圈层相互作用的核心纽带和关键因素之一。冰冻圈和极地环境变化的关键参数是开展全球变化机理、影响和模拟研究,极地研究和海洋航道设计的基础数据。如何综合遥感与实地考察等数据,构建多源数据融合、校准技术方法体系,突破关键参数动态监测难题,研制反演方法和数据产品,成为当前国际上冰冻圈和全球变化研究的重点研究领域。针对全球变化背景下冰冻圈和极地环境变化关键参数观测与反演的机理问题,在综合冰冻圈和极地不同类型区域卫星遥感与地面观测技术等基础上,完善现有星—空—地基观测体系,实现对全球冻土、冰川分布、冰盖物质平衡、季节性积雪、海冰、反照率变化等关键参数动态监测和数据产品研制。提出的5大研究内容包括:冰冻圈关键参数多尺度观测与数据产品研制、极地冰盖关键参数监测、反演与数据产品研制、全球山地冰川物质平衡及要素的观测与反演、极地海冰及其反照率变化的反演方法和产品研制、冰冻圈和极地数据产品集系列。 Among the five major earth spheres (atmosphere,hydrosphere, cryosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere) that affect the climate system,the cryosphere is consid-ered as one of the key links and factors in the interac-tion of the multi layers of the climate system.The key parameters of cryospheric and polar environment chan-ges is the basic data for global change mechanism, in-fluence and simulation studies, as well as the polar re-search and marine waterways design.The key aspects in cryospheric and global change study include how to integrate remote sensing and field survey data,how to construct the architecture of multi-source data fusion and calibration technique, how to meet the challenges of dynamic monitoring,and how to develop inversion methods and data products.To solve the problems in key parameters'observation and inver-sion of cryospheric and polar environment changes, we will first improve the existing satellite-/air-/ground-based observation system on the basis of integration of satellite remote sensing and ground observation technol-ogy in cryosphere and polar regions, and then we will realize the objective of dynamic monitoring and data product development for the key parameters in global change studies, including global distribution of glac-iers, permafrost, ice sheet mass balance, seasonal snow,sea ice and albedo change.Five research themes will be included in this project:multi-scale observation and data product's development of key cryospheric pa-rameters, observation and inversion of key polar ice sheet parameters, observation and inversion of global mountainous glacier mass balance, inversion method and product development for polar sea ice and its albe-do,and data product series of cryospheric and polar re-gions.
出处 《中国基础科学》 2017年第5期1-5,11,共6页 China Basic Science
基金 国家重大科学研究计划项目(2017YFA0603100)
关键词 冰冻圈 极地 冻土 冰川分布 冰盖物质平衡 积雪 海冰 反照率 cryosphere polar permafrost distribution of glaciers ice sheet mass balance snow cover sea ice albedo
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