毫米波(Millimeter Wave)雷达是指工作频段在毫米波频段(30—300GHz)的雷达(波长为1~10mm)。它是微波(300MHz~300GHz)的一个子频段,测距原理跟一股雷达一样,即把无线电波(雷达波)发出去,然后接收回波,利用障碍物反射波的时间差确定障碍物距离,利用反射波的频率偏移确定相对速度。
The millimeter wave radar is becoming the leading main sensor of automatic driving and ADAS system, for it makes up the shortcomings of other automobile carried sensors very well, such as infrared sensor, laser sensor, ultrasonic sensor and camera head, and etc. At present, however the key technology of millimeter wave radar is still monopolized by typical giant of traditional automobile parts companys, and domestic made is still in the state of blank. Through using complementary metal oxydie semiconductor (CMOS) technique, microcontroller unit (MCU), digital signal processor (DSP) and front end intelligent radar integrated inside, Tex Instrument (TI) put forward the solution of single chip CMOS millimeter wave radar. Since the chip was based on the 45nm radio-frequence (RF) CMOS technique, its demension was only 10.4mmxl0.4mm, which reduced much of the difficulty in development of new generation of the 77GHz radar, and its qualification rate and cost had also undergone great changes. Shanghai Mojina has adopted the solution of TI single chip COMS millimeter wave radar, with only a few months of time, made breakthrough in core technical hardship. SHanghai Mojina will put farward the domestic made 77GHz wave radar products soon.
Automobile Parts