
可任意灵活接入的虚实网络融合仿真方法 被引量:1

Simulation method for freely accessible virtual and physical networks fusion
摘要 针对虚实网络融合仿真技术存在构建仿真链路不够灵活的问题,提出了一种可任意灵活接入的虚实网络融合仿真方法。分析了虚实网络融合仿真系统的体系架构,主要包括接入端设备和虚实融合仿真平台,并描述了该平台的关键技术和功能实现;通过平台的灵活接口将接入端设备任意灵活接入到虚实网络,并分析其实验原理,完成不同链路间通信的任意切换;通过构建虚实网络拓扑实例,采用灵活接入的方法分别进行不同链路间的PING命令实验与WEB应用访问。实验分析结果证明了方法的可行性和有效性。 Combined with authenticity of traditional test bed technology and the scale of network simulation technology,fusion of virtual and physical networks emulation technology is becoming the mainstream technology of current network reappearance research,but lacking of the whole consideration of the flexibility of link simulation,there are still many deficiencies in the actual emulation effect,so arbitrary and flexible emulation method to access virtual and physical networks is proposed. Analyze on access end device and emulation platform in the framework of fused virtual and real networks emulation system,and focus on description of key technology and function implementation. With flexible interface,the access device can be arbitrarily and flexibly connected to the network,so the arbitrary switching of communication between different links can be realized. An experiment of virtual and real network topology is constructed,and the ping command experiment and web application between different links are respectively implemented,according to the experimental results and its analysis,the feasibility and validity of the method are proved.
出处 《传感器与微系统》 CSCD 2018年第1期79-82,共4页 Transducer and Microsystem Technologies
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61672264) 国家重点研发计划资助项目(2016YFB0800801)
关键词 虚实网络融合 灵活性 链路仿真 接入端设备 fusion of virtual and physical networks flexibility link emulation access end device
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