

The Lingering Charm of Baihuazhou
摘要 曲水亭街和百花洲,街以亭命名、亭以水命名,河以曲著称,洲又以百花相冠,一听这个洲、亭、街、水融为一体的幽雅地名,就令人心向往之。严冬时节,穿过大明湖南门向南,一幅老济南风情的水墨画映入我的眼帘。一泓湖水,澄澈见底;波光粼粼的水面上,绿波残荷,水汽氤氲,锦鲤嬉戏;湖岸的垂柳,绿装已经卸尽,但风韵不减,被寒风染得金黄的柳枝,依然袅袅娜娜,垂下万千金丝绦;湖的东南岸,是一个个老式的民居,白墙黛瓦的四合院倒映在清澈的湖面上,风生水起,若隐若现。这就是百花洲。 Heading south from Daming Lake in the severe winter weather, a Chinese ink painting that captured the atmosphere of the ancient city was unfolding before ours eyes. The lake was crystal clear and glistened in the sunlight. When the mist rose off the water, the carps of various colors swam around the withered lotus flowers that were protected by green leaves. The weeping willows looked fresher and more elegant in the whistling of the wind. Rows of old-style dwellings were situated on the southeastern bank of the lake, and the reflections of white walls and black roof tiles were glimmering on the water surface. This place was Baihuazhou.In the southwest of Baihuazhou, a running stream became one of the sources of water for the lake, with the willows lining up the bank and the verdant grasses waving on the river bottom. Famous springs gurgled in and out of the quadrangle courtyards alongside the river. Bathed in sunlight, visitors rested at the end table with their cups of tea, enjoying the charming scenery with the city's characteristics. This place was Qushuiting Street. Strolling in these places bred a special feeling of nature and simplicity. We were fortunate enough to escape the rush and the hustle and bustle of city life as this precious area in downtown gave us a chance to get so close to nature.
出处 《走向世界》 2018年第3期26-29,共4页 Openings
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