

The Museum of “A Banquet of Chinese Folk Art Forms”
摘要 历史上的济南,曲艺繁盛名闻海内,被誉为“曲山艺海”之乡。济南人爱曲艺就像爱泉水一样,是从根上带着的。笔者作为一名客乡人,虽在济生活近20年,对此称誉却一直鲜少认识和体味。仅是在读刘鹗《老残游记》第二回“历山山下古帝遗踪,明湖湖边美人绝调”时,通过白妞演绎的那令人“五脏六腑里,像熨斗熨过……无一个毛孔不畅快”的山东梨花大鼓,寻到了一点点曲山艺海的影子。 Jinan City became famous nationwide as a cradle of Chinese folk art forms in ancient times. Residents in Jinan felt an attachment and fondness for the folk art forms from their hearts. To trace its past glory, we visited Jinan Qushanyihai Museum for a taste of the banquet of Chinese folk art forms.Situated in No.26 Minkang Street to the north of Wanda Square, the museum was open to the public for free on December 15, 2017. The museum has old-fashioned traditional Chinese architecture. It was the former site of a non-governmental organization and the best preserved twostory courtyard building among the modern architectures of Jinan. The city government repaired the building and established Qushanyihai Museum to boost the development of the folk art forms. The exhibition area is divided into four sections from upstairs to downstairs, including the origin of folk art forms, gathering of folk art forms across the country, ballad singing and story telling in Jinan, inheritance and inspiration for the descendants. Through different means including literature, image data, landscape restoration, miniatures and sculptures of eminent person, the museum shows the origin, context and development of Jinan's folk art forms and exhibits various types of traditional folk art forms, performance venues and major figures in modern times and the achievements in our contemporary era.
作者 王庆梅 王啸
出处 《走向世界》 2018年第3期90-93,90,共4页 Openings
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