
日本高校推进学习成果制度的经验及启示 被引量:2

Experience and Enlightenment of Japanese University Learning Outcome System
摘要 学习成果(Learning outcomes)是指学生通过一定时间的学习能够掌握的知识、技能以及世界观、价值观、人生观的总和。自上世纪80年代美国提出学习成果概念以来,这一概念已在欧美、日本等国家相继普及,成为落实高等教育质量提升、推动"以学生为中心"教学范式变革的重要环节。文章通过介绍日本高校推进学习成果制度的经验,分析学习成果的内涵和外延,提出我国推动学习成果制度实施的建议,从而达到变革教育理念,提高高等教育质量,实现学生的全面发展的目的。 Learning outcomes refer to the sum total of world outlook, value outlook, outlook on life, and the knowledge and skills that can be handled after learning. The United States came up with the concept in 1980 s, since then it has been widely spread in Europe, North America, and Japan gradually, as an important component of upgrading the quality of higher education and accelerating the innovation of "student-centered" education mode. The article first introduces the practice experience of this concept in Japanese universities, and then explains its connotation and denotation. Based on the above research, the author comes up with advice to accelerate the process of practicing the learning outcomes system in China, thereby innovating the education idea, improving the education quality, and enhancing graduates' capability.
出处 《高教学刊》 2018年第3期6-9,共4页 Journal of Higher Education
关键词 学习成果 以学生为中心 高等教育质量 learning outcomes student-centered quality of higher education
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