
派系及其治理:休谟社会政治理论研究的一个视角 被引量:7

Factions and Their Govermance:A Perspective of Hume's Social and Political Theory
摘要 基于历史观察和其思想的内在逻辑,休谟将"派系"问题及其治理作为社会政治理论的核心内容。休谟分析了"派系"产生的人性基础和基本类型,进而提出派系治理的三种路径。首先,商业、科学和艺术的发展可以促进人们理性的增长以及相互之间的同情,从而可以瓦解极端的信念和增进社会的团结;其次,文明的政治秩序的构建不应当依赖于道德,而应当建立起派系之间的相互制衡;再次,宗教派系的极端性对社会秩序构成了重大威胁,为了保持社会秩序的稳定,必须在宗教宽容的基础上保持世俗政府对宗教的控制。休谟的派系治理思想具有立足商业社会的现代视野,既致力于减弱和消除极端派系对社会秩序的破坏,又使温和的派系成为促进社会繁荣与发展的动力,在近代西方社会秩序理论中具有重要的历史影响和理论价值。 The faction conflict and its harm are one plaguing the ancient Western republican government. The construction of a civilized political order must meet the challenges of factionalism. Based on the observation of the history and the times in the West, Hume started from his empiricist theory of human nature and regarded ^ factionalism ” and its governance as the core contents of social and political theory. Hume believes that factions are rooted inhuman nature, people's emotional orientation and diversity of beliefs s the underlying reason. Although factionalism can? t becompletely eliminated, one can rely on the inherent principles of the development of affairs, make the use of various forces and designcorresponding systems to control the harms of the factional factions. Humesuggested that factional governance can proceed from three paths: First, the development o f commerce, science and the arts can improve people's rationality and mutual sympathy among the people so as to eliminate people's extreme beliefs and promote social solidarity. Secondly,civilized Political order should not rely on civil virtue, but should establish mutual checks and balancesbetween factions. Thirdly, the extremeness of religious factions is a major threat to the construction o f social order. In order to social order, religious tolerance must be advocated on the one hand, On the other hand, we must also establish a system of secular government control over religion. Hume's factional governance theory has a modern vision based on acommercial society. It surpasses thinkers such as Machiavelli and Hobbes.While building social order , On the one hand Hume is committed to weakening and eliminating the destruction of social order by extremist factions. On the other hand , moderate factions become the driving force for social prosperity and development. Hume's theory on factional governance has an important impact on the constitutionalism of the United States and still has important implications for the factional governance in today's society.
作者 徐志国
出处 《社会》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第1期134-159,共26页 Chinese Journal of Sociology
基金 本文受国家社科基金重大项目“西方国别政治思想史”(No.13&ZD149)子课题“英国政治思想史”中央高校基本科研业务费专项“休谟的社会秩序理论及其当代意义研究”(No.30920130132021)和“江苏服务型政府建设研究决策咨询基地”基金资助.
关键词 休谟 派系 人性 宗教 Hume , factions , human nature , religion
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