
创新一流本科教育教学理念与实践 被引量:9

Concept and Practice for the Innovation of First-class Undergraduate Education and Teaching
摘要 无论研究型大学还是高水平应用型大学,本科教育教学水平始终是衡量其是否为一流大学的核心标志。聚焦新时代一流本科教育呼唤学术精神回归的现实需求,坚持"学术立校、立德树人"战略,提出"学术立教、学德树人"的一流本科教育教学理念;在其指导下,依托北京联合大学建设城市型、应用型大学的实践,探讨一流应用型人才培养的体系化建设,提出应完善"研、创、教""评、馈、育""考、奖、聘"三环叠加的教育教学监督管理链条,健全完善"学术立教、学德树人"教育理念的组织运行保障机制。 The quality of undergraduate education and teaching has always been a core indicator to judge firstclass universities, for both research universities and excellent application-oriented universities. First-class undergraduate education of the new era is calling for the return of academic spirit. Focusing on this realistic demand and adhering to the strategy of "striving for academic achievements,cultivating talents with high moral standards",we put forward the concept of "taking academic achievements as the foundation of teaching,cultivating talents with academic ethics"for first-class undergraduate education and teaching. Under the guidance of this concept,relying on the practice in constructing city-based,application-oriented university of BUU(Beijing Union University),the construction of the training system for first-class applied talents is discussed. In addition,we maintain that the supervision management integrating three systems should be perfected,including "research,innovation,teaching","assessment,feedback,education",and "evaluation,rewarding,appointment"; also,the guranteen machanism for the implementation of the education concept we put forward should be improved.
作者 李学伟 Li Xuewei(Beijing Union University, Beijing 100101, China)
机构地区 北京联合大学
出处 《北京联合大学学报》 CAS 2018年第1期1-8,共8页 Journal of Beijing Union University
关键词 高等教育 研究型大学 应用型大学 学术精神 教育教学理念 师资队伍建设 Higher education Research universities Application-oriented universities Academic spirit Education teaching concept Construction of teaching staff
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