Objective To countermeasures to improve the analyze the causes of the medical records with single--item veto in 2016 and propose writing quality of medical records. Methods The census method was used, and the stically analyzed. Results Among the medical records with single--item veto, the un- ack of a whole page record had the highest proportion (62.80%), the loss of orders and t serious conditions, and the surgery departments had obviously more defects than that of non--surgical departments. Conclusion The reasons for the medical records with single--item veto included lax quali ty control of medical records, irresponsible supervision on the important content of patients, the unsmooth connection of medical workflow, deficiencies in special regional regulat links quality control, and take effect of the quality control ion, etc. Suggestions were proposed, including to strengthen staff; to improve awareness and strictly implement the reward and punishment measures; to improve work flow and strengthen medical cooperation; to apply quality management tools to promote continuous improvement of the quality medical records; to implement the four--level quality control system on medical records and develop special regional management methods
Chinese Health Quality Management
Single-- Item Veto
Medical Record
Quality Control