
设区的市地方性法规与省级政府规章效力等级辨析——基于讨论规则的视角 被引量:11

Research on Effectiveness Level of the Local Regulations of Municipalities and the Provincial Government Regulations——Based on the Discussion of Rules
摘要 由于立法法并没有给出设区的市地方性法规与省级政府规章之间效力等级的答案,导致出现了"设区的市地方性法规效力高于省级政府规章效力"和"省级政府规章效力高于设区的市地方性法规效力"两种截然相反的论点。该问题属于立法问题中的价值判断问题,为了使讨论者相互之间能够达成"最低限度"的共识,需要预设一定的讨论规则。针对传统立法,其讨论规则的第一步要求实现经验与逻辑的完美结合;第二步要求"权力主体的经验加符合三类逻辑"优于"社会主体的经验加符合三类逻辑"。针对后现代立法,其讨论规则的第一步要求经验优于逻辑;第二步要求"权力主体的经验"优于"社会主体的经验"即可,无需关心逻辑的问题。鉴于《立法法》属于后现代立法,遵守讨论规则后,"设区的市地方性法规效力高于省级政府规章效力"的论点具有更高的可接受程度,但其确实存在着概念、体系、价值取向等三个逻辑困境,有待未来理论研究予以完善。 As the legislative law did not give the district's local laws and regulations and the level of the effectiveness of the pro- vincial government between the level of the answer, resulting in the "local laws and regulations of the district is more effective than the provincial government regulations" and "provincial Level government regulations are more effective than the local laws and regulations of the district "two diametrically opposed arguments. The question is a matter of value in the legislative question. In order to reach the "minimum" consensus among the discussers, it is necessary to prescribe certain rules of discussion. For the traditional legislation, the first step of its discussion rules requires the perfect combination of experience and logic; the second step requires "the experience of the subject of power plus the logic" is superior to the "social subject experience plus logic". For the postmodern legislation, the first step of its discussion rule requires experience to be superior to logic ; the second step requires "experience of power subject" to be superior to "experience of social subject", without concern for logic. In view of the fact that the Legislative Law is a postmodern legislation and follows the rules of discussion, the argument that the local laws and regulations of the district are higher than the provincial government regulations have a higher degree of acceptability, but there are concepts, Value orientation and other three logical dilemmas need to be the future research efforts. At present, the conflict resolution is re- solved in the legislative approval stage of the legitimacy review, that is, the question of the value judgment in the legislative question can be transformed into a procedural or technical problem, which can be used as a supplementary scheme.
作者 郑泰安
出处 《法学论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第1期92-99,共8页 Legal Forum
基金 国家社科基金西部项目"设区的市地方立法体制研究"(16XFX004) 中共四川省委宣传部重大项目 四川省社会科学院重大课题"地方立法的实证研究"(16XW16)的阶段性成果
关键词 设区的市 地方性法规 省级政府规章 效力等级 讨论规则 后现代立法 municipalities local regulations provincial government regulations effectiveness levels discussion rules postmodern legislation
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