
出口信息网络对企业出口持续时间的影响 被引量:8

The Effect of Export Information Network on Firms' Export Duration
摘要 本文将出口信息网络定义为同一地区从事相同或类似出口活动企业的集合,出口活动包括四种:出口任何产品到任何国家的出口活动、出口任何产品到相同国家的出口活动、出口相同产品到任何国家的出口活动、出口相同产品到同一国家的出口活动,它们分别对应四种信息网络。基于2000~2006年中国工业企业数据库和海关数据库的匹配数据,本文实证分析了由邻近出口企业组成的出口信息网络通过信息溢出对企业出口持续时间的影响,研究发现:出口信息网络能够显著降低企业的出口风险,对企业出口持续时间具有延长作用,并且信息越具体,延长作用越大;基于加工贸易企业的出口信息网络产生的延长作用大于一般贸易企业;当信息不涉及产品时,出口信息网络对内资企业的延长作用大于外资企业,反之则相反;随着地理范围的扩大,出口信息网络对出口持续时间的延长作用不断下降。 The export information network is defined as a collection of firms engaged in the same or similar export activities in the same region.There are four kinds of export activities:export activities to export any products to any country,export activities to export any products to the same country,export activities to export the same products to any country,export activities to export the same products to the same country,corresponding to four kinds of information network.Based on the matching data of Chinese industrial enterprise database and customs databases from 2000 to2006,this paper empirically analyzes the impact of export information networks consisting of neighboring exporters on the duration of export of enterprises through information spillovers.The study finds that the export information networks can significantly reduce the hazard rate of export firms,extend firms' export duration,and the more specific information,the greater impact on export duration.The information networks from the export processing trade firms have greater effect than from the general firms.When information does not involve the product,information networks have greater influence on domestic firms than the foreign enterprises;otherwise export information networks have greater impact on the foreign enterprises than the domestic firms.The impact of export information networks on export duration decreases with the increase in geographic level.
出处 《中南财经政法大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第1期115-125,共11页 Journal of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
基金 湖南省研究生创新项目"制度改革影响出口产品质量研究"(CX2016B143)
关键词 出口信息网络 出口持续时间 区位邻近 信息溢出 出口学习效应 Export Information Network Export Duration Location Proximity Information Spill-over
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