
印度网络就绪度报告 被引量:1

India Cyber Readiness at a Glance
摘要 1985年,国家科学技术中心的成立,负责建立了印度第一家互联网服务提供商,教育研究网络——主要针对学术和研究机构的互联网平台。1995年互联网开始普及到印度公众,由此中央政府将互联网作为支持经济增长、创造就业、更高效的政府运作和提高公共服务访问的催化剂。然而,今天印度的互联网普及率仍是亚太地区中最低的,只有26%的人口连接到互联网,远落后于中国和巴西等其他大型发展中国家。政府继续推动数字化,向所有的印度人民提供电子政府服务。但是,由于离线人口规模,这些目标仍然难以实现。把印度变成一个"数字授权社会和知识经济"是当前政府的主要目标之一。但印度连续高居两项国家排名,一是在网络攻击起源国排名中名列第三,仅次于美国和中国;二是在网络犯罪和恶意软件的攻击目标排名中位居首位。印度面临着许多挑战,在前进路上很难将网络安全确定为优先事项。网络就绪度指数2.0评估了印度应对网络安全风险的准备水平。 In 1985, the National Center for Science and Technology was created and became responsible for the establishment of India’s first Internet Service Provider (ISP), the Education Research Network (ERNET) – an Internet platform aimed primarily at academic and research institutions. In 1995, the Internet became widely available to the Indian public, and the central government has since continued to support Internet uptake as a catalyst for economic growth, job creation, more efficient government operations, and increased access to public services. The Internet penetration rate today, however, is still among the lowest in the Asia-Pacific region and far behind other large, developing countries like China and Brazil, with only 26 percent of the population connected to the Internet. The government continues to push digitization to make government services available to all Indians electronically, however, these goals remain difficult to achieve because of the size of the off-line population. Transforming India into a “digitally empowered society and knowledge economy” is one of the main goals of the current government. While, India continues to rank high on both the list of countries identified as major points of origin for cyber attacks – third behind the US and China – and as a leading target for cyber crime and ransomware. India faces many challenges that make it difficult to determine how cyber security will be prioritized moving forward. The Cyber Readiness Index (CRI) 2.0 has been employed to evaluate India’s current preparedness levels for cyber risks.
作者 梅丽莎.海瑟薇 弗朗西斯卡.斯派德里 许蔓舒 Melissa Hathaway;Francesca Spidalieri
出处 《信息安全与通信保密》 2018年第1期58-73,共16页 Information Security and Communications Privacy
关键词 网络安全 印度网络 网络就绪度 cyber security Indian cyber Cyber Readiness Index (CRI)
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