
中美高校音乐治疗人才培养探微 被引量:2

Exploration of Music Therapy Talent Cultivation in Chinese and American Colleges and Universities
摘要 近年来,作为人文社会学科新兴交叉边缘学科的音乐治疗学,伴随着我国大健康时代的到来已成为21世纪最具发展潜力的专业之一。无论是国内外高校还是相关社会机构都争相发展高等教育或开辟此类社会服务。这主要得益于音乐治疗临床应用绿色低碳、无害且便宜的特质。纵观半个世纪以来音乐治疗高等教育人才培养的基本情况,我们不难发现,世界各国为了适应本国经济社会发展需求,结合各自文化特质及背景,尤其是教育制度,加速创新融合地开设了交叉学科音乐治疗的研究、开发与应用。近年来,中国音乐治疗高等教育蓬勃发展。国内开设音乐治疗专业的高校已超过17所,开设音乐治疗课程教育的高教近百所。截至2017年7月,中国本土音乐治疗专业人才培养超过1 600人。第一,中美高校音乐治疗专业人才培养模式具有高度相似性。音乐治疗专业是个新世纪的舶来品,由于留学海外归来的专业人员带来了先进的理念和技术,并主持创建学科专业,开始人才培养,拿来主义是最为简便的方法。第二,中美高校音乐治疗专业人才培养具有较大的差距。那就是在临床应用督导方面,鉴于国内目前高层次音乐治疗师资人才短缺,创建专业高校雨后春笋一样,但首尾难以兼顾。有教学、无临床,有临床、缺教学。第三,中国新建医学高校音乐治疗专业人才培养具有突出的创新性。基于医学背景建设的音乐治疗本科专业,具有无以比拟的临床优势。但事实上,医学院校音乐治疗临床也存在重视、投入不足和人才紧缺的现实问题。我们作为首个国内医学院校音乐治疗专业创建者,结合多年自闭症儿童音乐治疗临床、音乐治疗专业教学及大学生心理危机音乐治疗干预课题研究的实践,经过深度比较中美两国开设音乐治疗专业典型高校的人才培养模式,建设性地提出"TTCIM复合型人才培养模式",仅做个探索性思考。 nIn recent years, music therapy, as a newly emerging interdisciplinary subject in the humanitiesand social sciences, has become one of the most promising professionals in the 21st century with the advent ofthe Great Health in our country. Both domestic and foreign universities and relevant social institutions are vyingwith each other for developing higher education or opening up such social services. This is mainly due to theclinical application of music therapy,and its green low-carbon, harmless and cheap traits. Throughout the pasthalf century, the basic situation of personnel training in music therapy in higher education, we can easily findthat all countries in the world,in order to meet the needs of their own economic and social development, com?bined with their own cultural characteristics and background, especially the education system, are acceleratinginnovation and integration to set up a cross subject music therapy research, development and application. Inrecent years, the higher education of music therapy in China has been booming. There are more than 17 colle?ges and universities offering music therapy in China and nearly 100 high-education institutions offering musictherapy courses. By July 2017, more than 1,600 local Chinese music therapy professionals had been trained.First, the training models of music therapy professionals in China and the United States share a high degree ofsimilarity. Music therapy is an exotic product in the new century, but returned overseas students brought backadvanced concepts and technology, and presided over the creation of this discipline, starting personnel train?ing, so bringism is the easiest way. Second, there is a big gap in the training of professionals in music therapybetween Chinese and American universities. That is in the field of supervision of clinical application; given thecurrent shortage of high-level music therapy teacher talent, creating a new major in college is springing up,but it is difficult to take into account both ends. Some schools have teaching, but no clinical background, orhave a clinical background, lacking of teaching. Third, in the newly established medical universities in China,the training of music therapy professionals has outstanding innovation. The medical background of the musictherapy undergraduate majors have unparalleled clinical advantages. However, in fact, the medical treatmentof music in medical schools also has the practical problems of insufficient attention, inadequate investment andshortage of talents. As the first music therapy professional founder in domestic medical colleges and universi?ties, combining with the practice of many years of teaching music therapy of psychotherapy for children withautism, as well as music therapy interventions for psychological crisis among college students, after in-depthcomparison of the training mode of music therapy major in typical professional colleges and universities betweenChina and the United States, we constructively put forward " TTCIM compound talents training mode" , andthe above is only provided as an exploratory thinking.
作者 张海涛
出处 《知与行》 2017年第12期75-79,共5页 Cognition and Practice
基金 江西省"十二五"教育规划课题"中美本科音乐治疗专业人才教育模式比较研究--以纽约大学等三校为例(重点三类)"
关键词 中美高校 音乐治疗 人才培养 Chinese and American universities music therapy personnel training
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