The mixed non-motorized vehicle flow composed of electric bicycle and bicycle is a special mixed traffic flow,which has great difference in speed,and study its traffic flow characteristics has important theoretical and practical significance.In this paper,the traditional method of obtaining non-motorized vehicle flow is difficult to distinguish,and the application of UAV to obtain higher quality video data analysis mixed non-motorized vehicle flow characteristics.The results show that the relationship between the three parameters of the mixed non-motorized flow and the vehicle flow,which is mainly right and wrong flow in the section of the road rarely has queuing phenomenon; In the non-queued state,the quadratic function can better describe the relationship between the Non-motorized traffic flow density and flow; The speed of electric bicycle is decreased with the increase of density,and the speed of bicycle is not affected by density basically; The speed of mixed traffic flow is limited by the ratio of speed and bicycle.The research results can provide a theoretical basis for the study of non-motorized traffic flow.
Qinghai Transportation Science and Technology
non - motor vehicles
mixed traffic flow