目的建立测定通关藤药材中通关藤苷A和I含量的方法。方法通关藤粉末经甲醇溶解超声后,用高效液相色谱法(HPLC)进样分析,用Symmetry C18(250 mm×4.6 mm,5μm)色谱柱,乙腈(A)-0.1%磷酸水溶液(B),梯度洗脱(0~10 min,32%A;10~15 min,42%A;15~28 min,50%A);检测波长:223nm;流速:1 mL·min^(-1)。考察方法的专属性、标准曲线、精度度、加样回收率、稳定性、重现性。结果通关藤苷A的线性范围为47.2~225.0μg·mL^(-1);低、中、高3个质量浓度平均加样回收率分别为98.82%,99.24%,99.20%。通关藤苷I的线性范围为10.5~50.0μg·mL^(-1),低、中、高3个质量浓度平均加样回收率分别为98.53%,98.32%,98.70%。通关藤药材中通关藤苷A含量为5.81~5.96 mg·g^(-1),通关藤苷I含量为0.68~0.71 mg·g^(-1)。结论该方法准确、简便、可靠,可为通关藤药材质量控制提供参考。
Abstract: Objective To develop an HPLC method for determination of the proportion of tenacissoside A and I in Marsdeniatenacissima. Methods Marsdeniatenacissima powder was dissoluted by methanol, treated by ultrasonic, analyzed by HPLC, using Symmetry Cls column(250 mm 4. 6 ram, 5 μm ). The mobile phase was acetonitrile- 0. 1% phosphorie water, gradient elution (0 - 10 rain, 32% A; 10 - 15 min, 42%A; 15 -28 rain, 50%A). The flow rate was 1 mL min-1 The detection wavelength was 223 nm. The specificity, standard curve, accu- racy, sample recovery, stability and reproducibility of the method were investigated. Results The calibration curves of tenacissoside A were lin- ear in the rangesof 47.2 - 225.0 μg ·mL- 1. The average recoveries of three concentrations tenacissoside A were 98.82%, 99. 24%, 99. 20% respectively. The calibration curves of tenacissoside I were linear in the ranges of 10. 5 -50. 0 μg · mL-1. The average recoveries of three concentrations tenacissoside I were 98.53% ,98.32% ,98. 70% respec- tively. The content of tenacissoside A was 5.81 -5.96 mg · g't The content of tenacissoside I was 0. 68 - 0. 71 mg ·g-1. Conclusion The established method is accurate, simple and reliable, which can be used for the quality concrol of Marsdeniatenacissima.
The Chinese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology