This paper focuses on how to understand the nature of institution and its change and choice. The importance of institution in economic development is valued by both the new institutional economic school and comparative institutional analysis school, and in mechanism design theory initiated by Hurwicz. Moreover, it is verified repeatedly in practice. Based on the interpretation of Hurwicz's institutional economic thought, the paper has three core arguments: First, institution is a self- enforcing rule or restriction that the society naturally evolves or designs according to the exogenous real environment. It is mainly used to stabilize the information exchange process among individuals to reduce the uncertainty and incentive distortions, so as to achieve the desired goal, such as resource allocation efficiency. Second, institutional change is a fusion and superposition process of spontaneous evolution and active design elements. Institutional evolution has its objectivity, but effective institutional design is conducive to avoiding and overcoming the negative effects of human weakness, and accelerating its rationalization changes to achieve the desired social goal. Third, institutions are different because they have different institutional costs (informational efficiency) and incentive compatibility. Different institutional choice will lead to different results, such as varied resource allocation effects. For China that faces the deepening of reform, institutional transformation and modernization of state governance system and capacity, Hurwicz's institutional economic thought has critical practical significance.
Academic Monthly
institution, institutional change, institutional choice