
根据认识规律认识药物发现简史 被引量:1

New Understanding of the Brief History of Drug Discovery with the Law of Recognition
摘要 药物发现自古有之,但发展速度较慢,效率也较低。进入21世纪以来,各门基础学科均得到了迅猛发展,并在医药领域得到广泛应用,新药发现从盲目性转向针对性,从偶然性走向必然性;新药发现的效率和附加值不断得到提升。本文根据哲学中的认识规律,提出药物发现必经外求法、内求法和内外求法三个大阶段,并用标志性药物发现事件将该三个阶段划分为若干小阶段,从而更加深刻地认识药物发现史,进一步指导今后的新药研发工作。 Drug discovery has beena basic human practice sinceancient times. However, the efficiency of the practice was low andthe development was slow until recently. Sine the beginning ofthe 21st century, basic sciences quickly developed and wererapidly applied in medical fields, and drug discovery becameamore and more targeted practice rather than a blind one. At thesame time, the efficiency and added value of new drug were muchpromoted. In order to deeply understand the history and giveavaluable clue to the practice, a brief history of drug discovery wassummarized and three stages (in vitro, in vivo, and in both) wereput forward. Also, the stages were subdivided according to thelandmark events associated with drug discovery. This new under-standing will guide our researching and developing work in newdrug.
出处 《科教文汇》 2018年第4期87-89,共3页 Journal of Science and Education
基金 国家自然科学基金(81560645) 昆明医科大学2016校级质量工程青年教师培养特殊支持计划
关键词 认识规律 药物发现 简史 law of cognition drug discovery brief history
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