

On Leverage Ratio of U.S. Bank Mergers and Acquisitions Based on Financial Data Analysis
摘要 适当的银行杠杆率对银行具有非常重要的意义,因为银行杠杆率过大则风险过高,而杠杆率过小则银行获利能力低.本文通过分析美国银行最近十五年的报表数据,研究了美国银行并购过程中的杠杆变化.数据分析表明,银行间的并购促使杠杆率整体下降,银行的资本杠杆因此得到了优化.一方面,高风险高杠杆率的银行被并购,另一方面,低杠杆率的银行通过并购获得更高的资本.本文通过建立模型,验证了这一并购引起的杠杆率分布集中化的推论. It is extremely significant for the bank industry to keep the appropriate bank leverage ratio, because the bigger leverage ratio brings higher risk while the smaller leverage ratio means the lower profitability. It is studied in this paper that the change of bank leverage in mergers and acquisitions through the analysis on the report data of American banks for the last 15 years. The data analysis shows that the interbank mergers and acquisitions have led to an overall decline in leverage ratio and the banks’ capital leverage has been therefore optimized. On the one hand, the banks with higher-risk and highly leverage ratio are merged, on the other hand, the banks with lower-leverage ratio obtain higher capital through mergers and acquisitions. The simple model is introduced in this paper to verify the inference of concentration of the bank leverage ratio distribution resulted from mergers and acquisitions.
出处 《温州大学学报(自然科学版)》 2018年第1期49-55,共7页 Journal of Wenzhou University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金(61203145)
关键词 银行并购 杠杆率 数据分析 演化模拟 Bank Mergers and Acquisitions (Bank M and A) Leverage Ratio Data Analysis Evolution Simulation
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