
父母的政治身份是否有助于子女进入“体制内” 被引量:6

D oes the parents' political identity help their children to enter the “system ”?
摘要 "体制内"工作由于"工作稳定,福利优厚",成为中国新一代年轻人首选的就业去向。采用2010年中国综合社会调查数据,评估父母的政治身份对子女进入"体制内"就业的影响。结果发现,父亲的党员身份会显著提高子女进入"体制内"就业的概率,且其可主要由父亲党员身份影响子女就业的身份传递和人力资本效应来解释。同时,除去身份传递和人力资本效应,政治权力效应也可部分解释为何父亲的党员身份会提高子女进入党政机关这一核心"体制内"部门就业的概率。 Being employed in the in-system organization is the first choice for the new generation of young people in China because of its "stable work,generous welfare". By using of survey data of Chinese General Social Survey 2010( CGSS 2010),this paper has evaluated the relationship between parents' political identity and their children's choice of being employed in the in-system organizations. It is discovered that parents' political identity significantly influences the probability of being employed in the core system organizations such as the Party and government institutions for their children,and fathers have a more significant influence on their children than their mothers. After controlling the variables such as children's political identity and education,fathers' political identity still significantly improves the probability of being employed in Party and government institutions for their children,which means that "Guanxi"is a very important channel through which fathers' political identity improves the probability of being employed in system for their children.
作者 陈刚 卫艳青 CHEN Gang;WEI Yanqing(School of Economics, Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Chongqing 401120, China)
出处 《南京财经大学学报》 2017年第6期79-87,共9页 Journal of Nanjing University of Finance and Economics
关键词 政治身份 就业 身份传递 人力资本 体制内 political identity employment identity delivery human capital in-system
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