
布鲁菌病实验室诊断技术研究进展 被引量:3

Progress on Laboratory Diagnosis Technology for Brucellosis
摘要 布鲁菌病是目前世界上流行最广、危害最大的人兽共患病之一,威胁着人和60余种动物的生命健康,引起严重的公共卫生问题。论文从病原学诊断和血清学诊断两方面综述了布鲁菌病多种实验室诊断技术的优缺点及适用范围。分子生物学技术和免疫学技术以其敏感、快速、特异等特点在布鲁菌病诊断中得到了广泛应用,尤其是PCR和ELISA的应用已由实验室走向临床检测中。此外,论文还介绍了目前新兴的几种布鲁菌病诊断方法,总结了布鲁菌病诊断技术的使用现状,以期为提高布鲁菌病的综合防控能力提供参考。 Currently, brucellosis is one of the most widely spread and the most harmful zoonosis in theworld,posing a serious threat to human and more than 60 kinds of animals, has become a serious publichealth problem. In this paper, the advantagesand disadvantages as well as the applicable range of laborato-ry diagnostic techniques for brucellosis were reviewed from two aspects of etiological diagnosis and serolog-ical diagnosis. In recent years, molecular biology and immunology technologies are widely used in the diag-nosis of brucellosis because of their sensitivity, speed and specificity. Especially PCR and ELISA technolo-gies have been applied from laboratory to clinical examination. In addition, the article also introduced sever-al emerging brucellosis diagnostic methods, summarized the current situation of the use of diagnostic tech-niques of brucellosis in order to provide a reference for improving comprehensive capacity of prevention andcontrol of brucellosis in China.
出处 《动物医学进展》 北大核心 2018年第2期106-110,共5页 Progress In Veterinary Medicine
基金 重庆高校优秀成果转化资助项目(KJZH14212) 重庆市社会民生科技创新专项项目(cstc2015shmszx80027 cstc2016shmszx0076) 重庆理工大学研究生创新基金项目(YCX2015225) 大学生创新训练计划项目(CX68)
关键词 布鲁菌 实验室检测技术 防控 病原学诊断 血清学诊断 Brucella laboratory detection technology prevention and control pathogen diagnosis serologi-cal diagnosis
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