
魏晋南北朝皇家园林与文学结缘之现象 被引量:4

Love Affairs between Royal Gardens and Literature in Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties
摘要 魏晋南北朝皇家园林与文学结缘者,各具代表性地显示了三个现象:一是反映纵向的历史进程。西园宴游形成的群体性创作传统,对魏晋南北朝历代皇家园林的游娱赋诗活动产生深远影响。玄武苑(湖)与北园则通过文学作品,呈现了掩映于贯穿魏晋南北朝历史光影的故事。二是反映横向的南北分治。北方华林园的功能多用于供帝王宴游享受,与文学甚少交集;南方华林园的宴游则与文学交集密切。三是反映文学风格的分野。上林苑诗赋既有皇家奢华富丽的表现,亦表现出与文坛风尚同步的唯美倾向;其重笔渲染后宫脂粉气者,华艳风貌直逼风靡一时的南朝宫体文学。皇家园林与文学结缘的关键的因素为文士化。 The love affairs between royal gardens and literature in Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties have distinctive features and show three phenomena: One reflects the course of history. The group creation tradition evolving from the cultural activities at the banquets in West Garden had far-reaching impact on the entertainments and poetry composition activities in the royal gardens in Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties. Xuanwu Garden(Lake) and North Garden presented stories about Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties through literary works.The second reflects the partition between south and north. The northern Hualin Garden was mostly for royal banquets and thus had little affinity with literary activities, while the southern Hualin Garden was closely related to literature, especially the Chunxi poems, which mostly mirrored the activities in Hualin Garden. The third reflects difference in literary styles.The poems and verses of Shanglin Garden displayed the affluent luxury of royal houses, but also the aesthetic trend synchronous with the literary world. They played up the sexual flavor of imperial harems, and could equal the popular palace poetry in Southern Dynasty in terms of their florid and exotic style. Xuan Garden in Jiankang was like an intellectualized royal garden. Moving away from a flowery and lush style, the poetry for Xuan Garden by the poets in Liang and Chen Dynasties were natural and fresh. The key factor to the affinity between royal gardens and literature is intellectualization. The royal family and intellectuals, and emperors and officials visiting gardens and having banquets together became the norm in royal gardens, and group creations like writing poetry upon the emperor's order or for responsory also became a common practice.
作者 王力坚
出处 《深圳大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第1期141-149,共9页 Journal of Shenzhen University:Humanities & Social Sciences
关键词 魏晋南北朝 皇家园林 文学 结缘 文士化 Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties royal gardens literature an love affair intellectualized
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